VuCOMP, Inc. has announced this week that M-Vu CAD, the first mammography CAD product clinically proven in a pivotal reader study, is available as a companion technology for the Siemens MAMMOMAT Inspiration PRIME Edition, MAMMOMAT Inspiration, and MAMMOMAT Novation mammography systems. The agreement makes M-Vu CAD immediately available through Siemens Healthcare’s U.S. distribution network.
Jeff Wehnes, President and CEO of VuCOMP, said, “We are pleased to be working with Siemens to offer our M-Vu CAD as part of Siemens’ innovative portfolio of digital mammography solutions. This represents another step forward in our singular goal of helping radiologists find cancer sooner by providing them with advanced cancer-detecting tools.”
M-Vu CAD uses advanced computer vision algorithms to identify areas in mammograms consistent with breast cancer, and is the first product to meet the FDA-recommended reader study standard for proving the effectiveness of mammography CAD.
Source: BusinessWire
27 November 2013
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Imaging, Siemens, Mammography
VuCOMP, Inc. has announced this week that M-Vu CAD, the first mammography CAD product clinically proven in a pivotal reader study, is available as a compan...