Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary condition characterised by chronic lung disease, progressive organ damage, and an overall need for effective monitoring throughout the patient's life. With advancements in treatment options, the life expectancy of people with cystic fibrosis (pwCF) has significantly increased, leading to the need for accurate and safe imaging techniques for disease monitoring. Chest computed tomography (CT) is crucial for diagnosing and evaluating structural lung changes. Yet, concerns about radiation exposure from repeated scans have prompted research into low-dose imaging alternatives. A recent study published in European Radiology Experimental explored the potential of low-dose high-resolution (LD-HR) chest CT using photon-counting CT (PCCT) as a promising alternative to conventional energy-integrating detector CT (EID-CT), providing substantial advantages in terms of radiation exposure and image quality for monitoring cystic fibrosis.


Photon-counting CT (PCCT) vs. Energy-Integrating Detector CT (EID-CT)

CT imaging is vital in the assessment of pwCF, helping to detect bronchiectasis, mucus impaction, air trapping, and infiltrates in the lungs. However, the cumulative radiation dose associated with repeated CT scans poses a risk of potential malignancy, so searching for low-dose alternatives is crucial. Conventional CT technology, EID-CT, uses scintillator detectors that convert incoming photons into light signals, which are then transformed into electrical signals for image formation. In contrast, PCCT employs a more direct approach using semiconductor detectors to convert the photon energy directly into an electrical signal. This method enhances spatial resolution and lowers the required radiation dose for high-quality imaging.


The study under discussion compared LD-HR chest CT scans in 23 adults with cystic fibrosis who underwent both EID-CT and PCCT. It aimed to assess the radiation dose, image quality, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) between these two modalities. The effective radiation dose of the PCCT was notably reduced by approximately 42% compared to the EID-CT, with the median effective dose being 0.54 mSv versus 0.93 mSv. This reduction has significant implications for pwCF, considering the need for frequent scans and the lifetime radiation exposure risks. Additionally, PCCT provided superior image quality in terms of sharpness and reduced image noise, which is essential for accurate assessment and early detection of lung abnormalities in cystic fibrosis.


Quantitative and Qualitative Image Analysis

Quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of PCCT compared to EID-CT. For quantitative assessment, regions of interest (ROIs) were manually placed in the lung parenchyma, back muscles, and air outside the patient’s body. Metrics like SNR were calculated to understand how clearly different structures could be visualised against background noise. PCCT scans showed higher signal levels and increased noise as matrix size increased. Despite this, the SNR for the lung parenchyma was lower for PCCT compared to EID-CT, indicating a balance between image clarity and noise when enhancing spatial resolution with PCCT.


Qualitatively, three radiologists assessed the image quality, sharpness, and noise using a 5-point scale, evaluating both EID-CT and PCCT scans reconstructed in varying matrices (512, 768, and 1024). PCCT scans consistently scored higher in overall image quality and sharpness, with better visualisation of lung structures. For example, patterns indicative of cystic fibrosis, like mosaic attenuation, were more distinctly seen in PCCT scans with larger matrices. Even though PCCT’s SNR was lower in the lung parenchyma, the qualitative evaluations highlighted that image sharpness and noise reduction were advantageous in PCCT. This underscores PCCT's capability to deliver high-resolution images necessary for monitoring the progression of cystic fibrosis with a significantly reduced radiation burden.


Radiation Dose Reduction and Clinical Implications

One of the study's primary findings was the effective reduction of radiation dose in PCCT scans. With a CT dose index (CTDIvol) and dose-length product (DLP) significantly lower than that of EID-CT, PCCT offers a safer imaging option for pwCF who require regular monitoring. The average effective dose was reduced by 42%, translating into a decrease in potential cancer risks, particularly for younger patients who are more vulnerable to radiation effects over their lifetime.


For specific organs, like the lungs and red bone marrow, the effective dose was markedly lower with PCCT, emphasising its protective benefits for organs commonly exposed during chest CT scans. Given that pwCF are likely to undergo numerous imaging studies over time, PCCT could play a critical role in balancing diagnostic benefits against the risks of cumulative radiation exposure.


The study suggests that PCCT should be considered in regular follow-up assessments of pwCF, where the priority is accurate, low-dose imaging. Future research may investigate further optimisation of PCCT protocols, such as balancing matrix size and slice thickness, to achieve the best possible image quality with the lowest radiation dose.


The study highlights photon-counting CT (PCCT) as a groundbreaking advancement in low-dose chest imaging for cystic fibrosis patients, offering significantly better image quality and reduced radiation exposure than conventional energy-integrating detector CT (EID-CT). This technological innovation has the potential to enhance disease monitoring and patient care by minimising radiation risks and ensuring clear, high-resolution visualisation of lung abnormalities. As PCCT continues to be refined and integrated into clinical practice, it may represent the future of safe and effective imaging for pwCF, improving long-term outcomes and enabling better management of this chronic condition.


Source: European Radiology Experimental

Image Credit: iStock



Frings M, Welsner M, Mousa C. et al. (2024) Low-dose high-resolution chest CT in adults with cystic fibrosis: intraindividual comparison between photon-counting and energy-integrating detector CT. European Radiology Experimental. 8:105

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Cystic fibrosis, photon-counting CT, low-dose imaging, EID-CT, lung disease, radiation reduction, CF monitoring Discover how photon-counting CT reduces radiation exposure and enhances imaging quality for cystic fibrosis.