In a significant step forward for clinical research in imaging, the European Society of Radiology (ESR) has announced the launch of the "ESR Essentials" series. This new initiative, developed in collaboration with all 14 European subspecialty medical imaging societies, marks a pivotal moment in the field, moving beyond the limitations of small, single-centre observational studies towards expansive, multi-centre medical imaging trials. The announcement comes as the ESR prepares to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Clinical Trials in Radiology (CTiR) sessions at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) in 2024.


The "ESR Essentials" series is a response to the critical need for new, robust evidence from randomised trials, informed reimbursement decisions by health technology assessment agencies, and a consensus on the use of diagnostic tests and therapies within the medical community. These comprehensive and concise guidelines aim to provide straightforward, evidence-based recommendations for the general medical imaging community, addressing the core knowledge needed for pivotal questions in clinical care.


The initiative seeks to streamline clinical guidelines, often lengthy and tailored to medical subspecialties, and make them more accessible to radiologists. By offering concise and evidence-based practice recommendations, the "ESR Essentials" aims to become a commonly used guide to clinical recommendations, enhancing the usability and comprehensibility of guidelines in everyday clinical practice.


Significantly, this collaborative effort has garnered unanimous support from all 14 European subspecialty medical imaging societies, who have actively participated in selecting authors for the writing groups and deciding on article topics. The series promises to inform the community about best-practice imaging, supported by the highest level of evidence on relevant topics.


The inaugural articles in the "ESR Essentials" series, published in the ECR 2024 edition of European Radiology, are from the European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) and the European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR) and are dedicated to diagnosing hepatocellular carcinoma and cardiac MRI respectively. These articles feature key elements designed to enhance direct usability in clinical practice, including succinct writing, expertise authorship, clear evidence levels, flowcharts of clinical pathways, and exquisite illustrations of typical imaging results.


The ESR believes this initiative will be instrumental in effectively utilising medical imaging technologies in specific clinical scenarios, taking into account variations in available equipment and expertise. The "ESR Essentials" also encourage multidisciplinary recommendations by allowing subspecialty writing groups to seek input from non-imaging specialty societies.


Looking ahead, the ESR Essentials initiative aims to publish ten articles from each subspecialty medical imaging society, updated every four to five years, culminating in a collection of 120–130 articles by 2028. This ambitious effort is expected to significantly influence the future of medical imaging, fostering global collaboration, data sharing, and ultimately, advancing the field of radiology.


Source & Image Credit: European Radiology


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ESR Essentials, Medical Imaging, European radiology, ESR, ECR 2024, Clinical Guidelines In a significant step forward for clinical research in imaging, the European Society of Radiology (ESR) has announced the launch of the "ESR Essentials" series.