Overall UK radiology equipment market spend for the six months to the end of March 2018 was down by around 30% compared to the same period in the previous year. This data comes from AXREM (the Association of Healthcare Technology Providers for Imaging, Radiotherapy and Care), which represents all the major medical imaging manufacturers active in the UK. 

Alan Birks, Director of AXREM, said: “There is evidence that the overall 30% decline in spend is similar from both NHS customers and the remainder of the market, predominantly private healthcare providers.

“CT spend during the six months to the end of March 2018 has reduced by 43% (46 units down from 72) compared with the same period ending March 2017 and MRI spend has reduced by 30.6% (40 units down from 65).” 

A report published by AXREM in August 2017 highlighted the continuing increase in the age of the installed base of medical imaging equipment across the UK. 55% of CT scanners in the UK are more than five years old, with 12% being over 10 years old. A survey of MRI scanners conducted across the NHS by the Clinical Imaging Board in April 2017 found that 58% of MRI systems were over five years old and 29% were more than 10 years old.

Mr Birks added: “This age profile can only be addressed by investment in new equipment. The latest technologies afford advances including reduced dose of ionising radiation (x-rays), and improved visual and functional information aiding more definitive diagnosis and better patient outcomes. Continued use of older equipment potentially denies patients the benefits of the latest technological advances, and can also expose patients to unnecessary risk. Innovative imaging technology offers a real opportunity to improve clinical care and patient safety, if appropriate funding is ring-fenced to enable this investment”.

The figures in this statement do not include spend on ultrasound equipment.
AXREM is the trade association representing the suppliers of diagnostic medical imaging, radiotherapy, healthcare IT and care equipment in the UK. AXREM members  supply  most  of  the  diagnostic  medical  imaging  and  radiotherapy equipment installed in UK hospitals. In doing so, our member companies and their employees work side by side with Consultant Radiologists, Radiographers and Practitioners, Oncologists and a wide range of healthcare professionals in delivering healthcare to patients using our technologies. Our members therefore have unique knowledge, experience and insight into the workflow and challenges faced by healthcare professionals on a day-to-day basis, which enables us to develop and offer innovative solutions to improve the speed and quality of diagnostic procedures and treatments with the ultimate aim of improving patient care.

For additional information about AXREM, call 020 7642 8087, email [email protected] or visit www.axrem.org.uk

Image Credit: Pixabay

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Radiology, medical imaging , radiology equipment Concerning fall in UK radiology equipment spend