Agfa has launched its newest Direct Radiography (DR) detector, the DX-D 35C, an 11x14 inch sized wireless panel which will be on display at AHRA 2013, the Association for Medical Imaging Management's Annual Meeting, July 28-31, 2013 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Orthopaedic imaging can particularly benefit from the high spatial resolution for detail, and the excellent dose quantum efficiency (DQE) for potential dose reduction offered by this small DR panel.

The DX-D 35C uses a Cesium Iodide (CsI) scintillator with twice the DQE of gadolinium-based detector technologies, and delivers the potential for lower dose. It immediately captures and transmits the image to the workstation, increasing efficiency for the technologist, particularly in portable environments where it is intended for most frequent use. 

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Agfa, DR Agfa has launched its newest Direct Radiography (DR) detector, the DX-D 35C, an 11x14 inch sized wireless panel which will be on display at AHRA 2013, the...