• Critical Care Response Team

    Authors Mary Ellen Salenieks RN Project Coordinator,Critical Care Response Team Project, Critical Care Secretariat Health System Accountability and Performance Division Ministry of Health and Long Term Care,Toronto, Ontario Canada Stuart F. Reynolds, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Staff Intensivist, Medical-Surgical...

  • Effects of Outreach:An Alternative View

    Authors Maurizia Capuzzo MD Department of Surgical,Anaesthetic and Radiological Science Section of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, University Hospital of Ferrara, Italy Barbara Vaccarini MD Department of Surgical, ,Anaesthetic and Radiological Science Section of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, University...

  • An Interview with Prof. Antonio Artigas

    Professor Antonio Artigas has been managing the Critical Care Centre at Sabadell Hospital in Barcelona, Spain since 1988. He spoke at length with Sherry Scharff at the 13th International Symposium on Infections in the Critically Ill Patient in Athens, Greece, a meeting he heads. In this discussion, he describes the successes he has experienced...

  • The Overview of Healthcare in Brazil

    National Health Policies and Plans The national health policy is based on the Federal Constitution of 1988, which sets out the principles and directives for the delivery of healthcare in the country through the Unified Health System (SUS). Under the constitution, the activities of the federal government are to be based on multi-year plans approved...

  • Quality of Care in Paediatric Emergencies

    Author Patrick Van de Voorde , MD Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine Ghent University Hospital Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium [email protected] Timely and adequate medical care significantly reduces morbidity and mortality in (paediatric) emergencies. However,...

  • Research

    Beating Hospital Yeast Infection http://ccforum.com/ Increasing numbers of critically ill patients develop fungal or yeast infections, which are associated with high mortality. Now a review published in the online open access journal, Critical Care, compares treatments involving single-drug antifungal prophylaxis (SAP) or a multi-drug regimen...

  • World

    Efforts on Child-Appropriate Medicines Intensify www.who.int Efforts to ensure children have better access to medicines appropriate for them have intensified with the unveiling of a new research and development agenda by the World Health Organization (WHO). The agenda targets a range of medicines – including antibiotics, asthma and pain...

  • Lung Assessment & Monitoring in the ICU Using Vibration Response Imaging

    Authors Smith Jean, PhD. Division of Critical Care Medicine Robert Wood Johnson, School of Medicine University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Cooper University Hospital Camden, New Jersey, USA   Ismail Cinel, MD, PhD. Division of Critical Care Medicine Robert...

  • Intra-Abdominal Hypertension:

    Author Tim Wolfe, MD Associate Professor Department of Surgery, University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah, USA [email protected]   Evidence that Early Detection and Management Improves Outcomes and Reduces Resource Utilisation Introduction There are several important issues concerning intra-abdominal...

  • Induced Hypothermia & Neurological Outcome:

    Author Kees H. Polderman, MD, PhD Department of Intensive Care University Medical Center Utrecht [email protected]   The 1st Therapeutic Temperature Management Congress  There is an increasing awareness in the critical care community of the importance of body temperature in determining outcome...

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