• Vodcasting

    The Story Behind Cappucino With Claudio Ronco  Video on demand (VOD) is a popular way to keep updated in intensive care. ICU Management & Practice spoke to Prof. Claudio Ronco and Marta Scabardi, from the International Renal Research Institute, Vicenza Italy, about what’s involved with their video subscription channel “Cappuccino with Claudio...

  • Podcasting

    The Story Behind Critical Care Practitioner  Podcasts are audio files made available regularly to occasional listeners or subscribers (usually a free subscription). The ‘pod’ in the name comes from iPod, and although that device is no longer manufactured, podcasting goes from strength to strength. Listening to a podcast is as simple as clicking a...

  • Resource Allocation in Healthcare: Have We Misjudged Societal Values?

    Equitable Healthcare With increased emphasis on financial constraint in healthcare, resource allocation discussions are heard more commonly in clinical departments. As agents of the patient, clinicians are faced with struggles to ensure that individual patients can receive costly treatments, despite growing demands for healthcare throughout society....

  • Dedicated Resuscitation Unit Improves Transfer Times

    A critical care resuscitation unit (CCRU) at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) has significantly improved transfer times for non-trauma critically ill patients, according to a recent study (Scalea et al. 2016). In its first full year of operation, for the subset of adult patients admitted for critical care, transfers increased...

  • Safe Transport of Critically Ill Patients

    The transport of critically ill patients for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures carries a particular risk and requires therefore a careful risk-benefit assessment. Transport-related risks can be reduced by increased awareness and education, adequate staffing, proper choice and handling of equipment and the use of error-preventive tools like checklists....

  • Biomarkers for Acute Kidney Injury

    Where Are We Now? Acute kidney injury (AKI) has been recognised as a major public health problem. It affects >50% of patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and is associated with serious short- and long-term complications, premature death and high financial healthcare costs (Mehta et al. 2015; Hoste et al. 2015; Lewington et al. 2013). The consensus...

  • Patient Safety and Social Media

    Patientsafe represents a group of healthcare staff focused on introducing effective and sustainable healthcare solutions. ICU Management & Practice emailed the team to find out more about their Twitter account and blog. Your Twitter strapline is "Front Line Staff Implementing Effective Safety Solutions” Who’s behind patientsafe? Patientsafe...

  • Early Diagnosis and Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury

    penKid – A Dynamic Inflammation-Independent Biomarker Of Kidney (Dys)function Early recognition and close monitoring of acute kidney injury (AKI) is vital in the ICU, given AKI’s high prevalence and effect on length of stay and risk of re-hospitalisation and death (McCullough et al. 2013). As more becomes known about biomarkers, intensivists need...

  • An Introduction to Robots in Anaesthesia

    Technological advancement has made robots an integral part of several fields, including medicine. This article provides an overview of the application of robots to anaesthesia, highlighting recent developments. Pharmacological robots are closed-loop systems, able to precisely titrate the dose of anaesthetic drugs to a preset value, concerning hypnosis,...

  • Chain of Survival after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

    The Final Link The "Chain of Survival" Concept After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest To overcome a time-sensitive and severe condition with a low survival rate—out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA)—the following four links of the “chain of survival” concept were introduced by Newman in the 1980s (Newman 1989): Early access to emergency medical...

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