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    Respiratory support in ARDS: an expert opinion

    • ICU
    • 19/09/2017

    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a common condition in intensive care unit patients and remains a major concern, with mortality rates...

  • Will point-of-care ultrasound replace the stethoscope?

    With a technology like point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS), there are two options for how to develop this technology and spread it in the community. Either you bring technology and have people use it, or you realise that the value of technology by itself is very limited without augmenting it by providing education. I use the example of the stethoscope,...

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    Newborn Foundation and Masimo Partnership Reaches 52,000 Babies and...

    • ICU
    • 19/09/2017

    Newborn Foundation and Masimo Partnership Reaches 52,000 Babies and 1,000 Health Workers

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    Volume 17 - Issue 3, 2017

    • ICU
    • 15/09/2017

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  • Recovery

    Recovery after critical illness has received increasing attention in recent years, and rightly so. We highlighted neglect of recovery as one of the ten big mistakes in intensive care medicine (Vincent et al. 2014). While survival has improved tremendously, for a long time insufficient attention was given to how patients (and their families and caregivers)...

  • The role of autophagy in the metabolism and outcomes after surgery

    Increasing evidence implicates autophagy as repair process crucial for recovery from critical illness-induced vital organ failure and muscle weakness. This article summarises recent evidence and highlights potential implications for therapy.   Progress in intensive care medicine has resulted in improved survival from acute life-threatening...

  • Optimising nutrition for recovery after ICU

    Optimising nutrition and metabolism post-ICU for recovery of functional lean body mass and quality of life.   In-hospital mortality following intensive care unit (ICU) care has consistently declined in recent years (Kaukonen et al. 2014). However, these data reveal many of these ICU “survivors” are not returning home to functional lives after...

  • Outcomes after 1 week of mechanical ventilation for patients and families

    We review recent findings on outcomes in adults after mechanical ventilation for one week or more in the intensive care unit, exploring both patients and their family perspectives.   Critical illness survivorship carries a burden of physical and neuropsychological disabilities (Griffiths and Jones 1999; Herridge and Cameron 2013). These determine...

  • Ultrasound-guided mechanical ventilation

    Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is now a tool used worldwide, integrating clinical assessment of the critically ill. In this review, we focus on lung, diaphragm and cardiac ultrasound in the management of the mechanically ventilated patient. Ultrasound provides useful information to assess and monitor lung aeration, to set mechanical ventilation...

  • Haemodynamic monitoring: stuff we never talk about

    In order to make haemodynamic monitoring clinically successful it seems mandatory to have a comprehensive view on the incorporation of the measured variables in a team-adapted strategy.   Over the last decades the evolution of haemodynamic monitoring in critically ill patients has not been unequivocal. On the one hand it may be argued that haemodynamic...

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