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    Tele-ICU leads to overall reduction in ICU mortality

    • ICU
    • 19/03/2019

    A new systematic review and meta-analysis has found that implementation of tele-ICU services was associated with an overall reduction in ICU...

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    Vasopressin reduces septic shock deaths but...

    • ICU
    • 18/03/2019

    A Chinese research team performed a meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating the effects of...

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    'Hybrid ER' for managing pulmonary embolism requiring ECPR

    • ICU
    • 18/03/2019

    The term “hybrid emergency room” (hybrid ER) is used to describe an ER equipped with an interventional radiology (IVR)-computed tomography (CT)...

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    Join ICU Management & Practice at #ISICEM19

    • ICU
    • 18/03/2019

    The 39th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine begins Tuesday 19th March in Brussels, Belgium. The pre-symposium...

  • Technology innovations in delivering accurate nutrition

    Preventing malnutrition and enforcing nutritional guidelines   An overview of the key obstacles for the enforcement of nutritional guidelines and innovative approaches that can be used to overcome these obstacles.   Recent studies suggest that nutritional guidelines across the majority of intensive care units (ICUs) are not being implemented...

  • The Intensive Care Unit - Past, Present and Future

    A quick look at why ICUs need to innovate and what lies ahead for the new ICU. 

  • The role of the Physician Assistant in critical care

    Physician Assistants play a leading role in the safe, efficient, value-based delivery of healthcare for the critically ill patient.   Since inception in the mid-1960s, the Physician Asssitant (PA) profession has grown to become an integral part of healthcare delivery. As the name implies, PAs were historically seen as assistants to the physician,...

  • The need to humanise the ICU

    Susan East, a patient speaker at the ATS 2017 International Conference in Washington D.C. and a three times ARDS survivor shares her experience about her stay in the ICU.   I am Susan East, a three times ARDS survivor.   July 3, 2008, I had ARDS! I went to my primary physician on June 30, 2008 with symptoms of a sinus infection. He diagnosed...

  • Sedation and Analgesia

    How to manage sedation analgesia for patient-centred care in the ICU.   In the concept of patient-centered care, sedation and analgesia have high importance. Intensive care is sometimes invasive and very painful. Patients in the ICU are seriously ill and often suffer from anxiety, agitation, and pain. There is sometimes a need to use deep and...

  • Pain management through multimodal analgesia in the ICU

    Overview and focus on regional anaesthesia   Opioid dependency is a serious problem in the ICU. Opioids are effective at providing pain relief because they reduce the perception of the pain signal. At the same time, opioids are associated with respiratory depression, cough suppression, confusion, and drowsiness. In addition, there is a risk...

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