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    Association of Anaesthetists Annual Congress 2021

    Association of Anaesthetists Annual Congress 2021

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    76th Annual Meeting of the ASSH 2021

    76th Annual Meeting of the ASSH 2021

  • Lessons from COVID-19: ICU Preparedness, Ethical Issues and Digital Congresses

    Jean-Louis Vincent is a Consultant in the Department of Intensive Care at Erasme University Hospital in Brussels and a Professor of Intensive Care at the Université libre de Bruxelles.He is the editor-in-chief of ICU Management & Practice, Critical Care, and Current Opinion in Critical Care and member of the editorial board of many other healthcare...

  • Predicament Prevention for Pandemics

    COVID-19 has resulted in an enormous demand for critical care personnell and increased consumption of resources. How can healthcare systems prepare for the allocation of scarce resources? Introduction Health care crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic, can lead to a pronounced regional, national and even supranational discrepancy between...

  • Challenges in the Management of Severe SARS-CoV2 Infection in Elderly Patients

    Elderly patients have damaging and serious complications when they acquire SARS-CoV2 infection. It is thus important to consider this particular age group for better management of COVID-19. The gradual reversal of the population pyramid that has developed in recent decades has resulted in older adults being mostly affected in a pandemic...

  • What Intensivists Can Learn From Geriatric Medicine

    In this article we discuss mind, mobility, medications, multi-complexity, and what matters most. These are key domains from geriatric medicine that are relevant to the practice of intensive care medicine. The notion that advanced age is a sufficient reason to decline admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is no longer widely accepted...

  • Ageing and Critical Illness: What Does Quality Care Look Like?

    This article explores a system for assessing quality of care in critically ill elderly patients. D ecision-making processes around the admission of critically ill elderly patients have been put into sharp focus in 2020. The urgent need to meet the demands associated with large numbers of acutely ill patients during the COVID-19 pandemic...

  • Vitamin D in Critical Illness – Fifty Shades of VIOLET

    Did the VITDALIZE study and the VIOLET study manage to answer some of the questions regarding vitamin D deficiency and its impact on critically ill patients? Experts compare the findings and present an overview. Introduction Vitamin D deficiency is very common in the ICU (usually >60%) because many critically ill patients were...

  • Infographic

    Problems associated with ageing, complications of critical illness in the elderly patient, and an overview of the gaps in the treatment of critically ill older adults.

  • Ethics as Superpower - Primum Non Nocere Against All Pandemic Odds

    Use Case COVID-19-ICU Bethany Hospital Germany Medicine is an activity of special dignity at all times. Healthcare professionals are responsible actors and have to consider the business of operating ethics. Weighing up values under considerable time pressure, existential fates and critically discussed evidence is a considerable challenge for them,...

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