• Current State of Critical Care Medicine in the United States

    Author Gerald A. Maccioli, MD, FCCM Chairman, American Society of Anaesthesiologists Committee on Critical Care Medicine President-Elect American Society of Critical Care Anaesthesiologists Director of Critical Care Medicine, Critical Health Systems of NC Raleigh Practice Centre [email protected]...

  • Remote ICU Care in the US

    Author Michael J. Breslow, MD, FCCM Executive Vice President Research & Development VISICU, Inc. Baltimore, Maryland [email protected]   Remote ICU care programmes have become more prevalent in the US over the past 3 years as hospitals try to leverage clinician expertise and improve quality.  ...

  • Worldwide

    UN Pandemic Planning and Preparedness www.undg.org To counter the direct impact that an influenza pandemic may have at a global level, the United Nations System Influenza Coordination (UNSIC) has developed “UN System Pandemic Planning and Preparedness Guidelines”. These include checklists, templates and toolkits showing best practice....

  • National

    Haïti: Medicin Sans Frontières www.msf.be   On August 2005 Medicine Sans Frontières (MSF) started an intervention in Cité Soleil, one of the most neglected and dangerous slums in Port au Prince, Haiti’s capital city, where 250,000 people live in poverty, violence and social instability. MSF re-opened Choscal Hospital (St. Catherine’s Hospital)...

  • Team Skills for Safety

    Authors Rhona Flin , PhD Professor of Applied Psychology Thomas Reader, MA Postgraduate Research Student Industrial Psychology Research Centre, University of Aberdeen [email protected] www.abdn.ac.uk/iprc   Effective teamwork is crucial for ensuring patient safety within the...

  • Training Residents for Safety

    Author MariamA. Al-Ansari, MD, FRCSI Consultant Intensivist Salmaniya Medical Complex Kingdom of Bahrain [email protected]   Medical errors related to residents are well-documented. Focusing the attention of physicians-in-training towards patient safety represents an opportunity for improving safety...

  • Dialysis Dosing in Acute Renal Failure

    Authors RameshVenkataraman, MD John. A. Kellum, MD The CRISMA Laboratory (Clinical Research, Investigation, and Systems Modelling of Acute Illness) Department of Critical Care Medicine University of Pittsburgh USA [email protected]   In the winter issue of ICU Management...

  • A New Risk-Adjustment System for IC

    Authors Rui P. Moreno, MD, PhD, Prof. Unidade de Cuidados, Intensivos Polivalente, Hospital de St. António dos Capuchos, Lisboa, Portugal [email protected]   Philipp G.H. Metnitz MD, PhD, Prof., DEAA Dept. of Anaesthesiology and General Intensive Care University Hospital of Vienna,...

  • Objective Triage for the Elderly: ELDICUS Update

    Authors Charles L. Sprung Director General Intensive Care Unit Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Hadassah University, Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel   David Edbrooke Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK On Behalf of the ELDICUS investigators...

  • Measuring Patient Satisfaction

    Authors Thomas Heidegger, MD, DEAA Quality Manager in Healthcare, Consultant Anaesthetist Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen, Switzerland [email protected]   Detlef Saal, MD, DEAA Consultant Anaesthetist, Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen Switzerland   Yvonne Husemann,...

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