Forbes recently published three healthcare trends expected to persist in 2022, which companies in the industry should consider to maintain a competitive advantage.


1.       Environment, Sustainability, and Governance Innovation

The life science industry often turns to strategic initiatives to bring new therapies to market. To this end, they increasingly focus on the environment, sustainability, and governance initiatives and on customised therapies for specific patient populations to produce social impact. Managing these programs in-house becomes more difficult for big pharma and biotech companies. Thus, they should turn to manufacturing and supply chain partners to streamline processes and focus on socially responsible products that support environmental goals. These strategies will help them meet both financial and patient-centric benchmarks.


2.       Data Analytics for Drug Innovation

Data analytics help the life sciences industry improve the drug development and manufacturing processes by identifying patterns in clinical trial study results, predicting patient response to medications, and analysing diagnostic results. Machine learning algorithms able to discern distinct patterns of biomarkers for individuals’ drug metabolism can better predict how effective a drug may be. This is especially important for oncological and neurological applications that require customised treatments.


3.       TeleHealth And Digital Care

Healthcare providers embrace welcome to improve patient outcomes, especially for acute and chronic pain management. Sensors that track vital signs and connect to health records and other personal information allow doctors to monitor patients in telehealth and virtual care programs remotely. As telemedicine becomes mainstream, hybrid models comprised of both face-to-face and telehealth meetings could be consumer-facing solutions that improve consumer access.


Source:Forbes Business Council

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Telehealth, Sustainability, telemedicine, Data analytics, governance Forbes describes three healthcare trends expected to persist in 2022, which healthcare companies should consider to maintain a competitive advantage.