European Health Management Association (EHMA) has just launched the Call for Abstracts for the EHMA 2020 Annual Conference (Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 9-11 June 2020) on the theme of ‘Health Management: realigning systems, contexts and players’.
At #EHMA2020 six sub-themes will be explored and will guide all debates
and aspects of the conference. These are:
- Systems & Organisational Governance
Focus area: Measuring performance in citizens’ centric health systems – How to make it happen?
- Sustainability
Focus area: The SDGs as drivers for sustainable health management
- Digital Transformation
Focus area: Data as a key tool for health managers
- Personalisation
Focus area: Personalisation vs. quality care for all
- Integration
Focus area: Breaking the silos – Interdisciplinary work to implement integrated care
- Value-Based Healthcare
Focus area: From theory to practice – delivering the value-based transformation
Before the submission, please read the Guidelines and
submit your abstract here.
The deadline for the Abstracts submission is
February 16th, 2020 at midnight CET.
Sub-Themes Description
Focus area: Measuring performance in citizens’ centric health systems – How to make it happen?
For the subject of systems and organisational governance, the EHMA 2020 Conference will focus on bridging two key topics of discussion in today’s health systems debate: performance measurement and citizen and patient centricity.
How can we ensure that performance is assessed in
the most efficient way while re-organising systems to ensure effective
citizens participation and involvement? How can we better inform and
support health systems reform going in this direction? How can health managers
lead the change and ensure the best performance possible for our health systems
and services?
Other areas and key words: governance codes and best practices; health systems research; health systems performance assessment; citizens involvement; health literacy; health networks; leadership; change management
Focus area: The SDGs as drivers for sustainable health management
When looking at sustainability of health systems, every involved stakeholder, including health managers, cannot avoid taking into consideration the UN framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The framework, in its 17 key components, can be
used as a point of reference to drive sustainability-oriented innovation.
Sustainable innovation touches upon a wide range of fundamental aspects,
including the centrality of environmentally
conscious actions, responsible use of energy; education and
literacy, work conditions and economic growth, sustainable
infrastructures, communities and cities, and the importance of
partnerships to achieve common goals. How can health managers use the
SDG framework to better organise and govern health systems sustainability?
Other areas and key words: environmental sustainability; waste management in hospitals; environmental impact of medicines (in particular antibiotics).
Focus area: Data as a key tool for health managers
Digitalisation can undoubtedly reform our health systems and services, and data can play a crucial role in this transformation. However, our high reliance in data comes with numerous challenges and crucial issues that must be taken into consideration by all stakeholders involved in the management of healthcare.
This includes how to enable data access, how
to use and share data, how to ensure security and privacy, and how to
make sure that health care professionals and settings are data ready. What role
can health management play in delivering a positive use of data? How can we
deliver an inclusive and sustainable data-driven digital transformation?
Other areas and key words: mhealth & ehealth; digital literacy; data protection and confidentiality; big data; artificial intelligence; digital therapeutics; digital innovation; electronic health records and interoperability.
Focus area: Personalisation vs. quality care for all
Personalised care can improve quality of care for individuals, providing tailored and more efficient and cost-effective solutions in response to diagnosis and individual conditions. However, as with all healthcare innovative approaches, implementation remains at the centre of the debate and research in this field.
What strategies can be used by managers to link all
the stakeholders involved in the personalisation of care? What is the managers’
role in balancing personalisation and quality care for all? What practical
approach can be used to develop co-creation of care frameworks?
Other areas and key words: health literacy; public participation and patient and user involvement; personalised medicine and care; hospital–patient relations; self-care; genomics
Focus area: Breaking the silos – Interdisciplinary work to implement integrated care
The pros and cons of implementing integrated care have been extensively debated at the European and international levels. Today, the question of implementing integration in different settings is still at the centre of the discussion.
In a condition of health systems with limited
resources and taking into consideration the digital transformation of care,
what role can managers play as leaders for the integration of care? In
particular, how can they drive interdisciplinary work and workforce-based
strategies to deliver patient-centric integrated care?
Other areas and key words: primary care; partnerships; the role of workforce in the integration of care; integrated care best practices and models; digitalisation for integrated care; occupational health
Focus area: From theory to practice – delivering the value-based transformation
Value-based healthcare is surely one of the hottest topics in the healthcare debate nowadays. However, to deliver a truly value-based transformation of our health systems, implementation strategies and a common and shared definition of ‘value’ remain to be explored and discussed.
Managers can play a key role in transforming a
theoretical debate in actual change for healthcare. How can they drive this
transformation towards the best outcome for patients? How can we bridge
value-based healthcare and personalised health care?
Other areas and key words: procurement; public-private
partnerships (PPP); outcomes-based models; leadership in value-based
transformation; the role of health information for value-based change
Source: EHMA Newsletter