The term burnout is nothing new - it's been around for decades. It usually means when someone's occupation, such as work or study, becomes too intense, tiring, exhausting and results in that person no longer being able to perform the function that the commitment requires. When you're burnt out, you have no energy for anything, even the things that you used to find enjoyable. Working or studying for long hours each day can trigger an episode of burnout, as can being too stressed at work, workplace bullying, or focusing too much time and energy on one project.


However, millennial burnout is a type of burnout that is uniquely situational and affects millennials. This generation has all their parents' adult responsibilities - work, raising kids and trying to get by, but in a much more challenging economic and social environment. Homeownership is out of reach of many millennials locked into rental arrangements, and the rising cost of living is also contributing to this phenomenon. This helpful article will share what you can do to combat millennial burnout. Read on to learn more.


Change Careers or Study a New Field


Consider university online courses if your millennial burnout relates to your work or study. You may be a tech worker, and the massive hours and crunch have become too much. Or you may be a teacher in a low socio-economic area, and you've seen too many kids fall through the gaps. You could be a medical student who has had enough of the demanding coursework and unpaid placements. Whatever your situation, a new career or field of study is the ticket to help you shift gears and emerge into a career path that is right for you. The right job can reward you more than monetarily - you can find fulfilment and joy in your work if it fits you.


Exercise and Improve Your Diet


Another excellent way to combat millennial burnout is to focus on exercise and diet. When we exercise strenuously enough to raise a sweat, our brains release those feel-good endorphins and the neurotransmitters responsible for improving our mood. It may be hard to find the motivation if you're suffering from burnout, but getting to the gym a few times a week, or even going for a jog or a bike ride for an hour or so, should help to improve your mood.


In addition to exercise, your diet plays a significant role in how you feel. If you're always eating takeaway and bingeing on sweet and sugary snacks, you'll likely feel sluggish - the burnout will compound, leaving you desperate and exhausted. If you can, eat a balanced diet, including lean meats like poultry and fish, with plenty of fruit, vegetables, grains and legumes. It's okay to have a treat once in a while or have a cheat day, but most of your diet should be balanced and healthy. Eat well, and you'll begin to feel well.


Find a Hobby


Engaging in a hobby or creative pursuit is a great way to shake off those burnout blues. A wide variety of hobbies are available, so you should be able to pick one that matches your unique vibe. Some people enjoy playing card or board games, which creates a great social connection if you play with friends. Evidence also shows that puzzles and games help our brains stay healthy and can stave off dementia in later life. Or, if you're the more active type, consider joining a hiking or walking club - combining exercise with a social outlet.


Other hobbies include scale modelling, keeping fish or reptiles, painting, drawing, graphic design, fishing, hunting or knitting and needlework. The great thing about a hobby is there is often a vibrant online community related to that hobby, with message boards, Facebook groups and more. You can connect with others who share an interest, and the social connection, while online, will also help to combat the fatigue that millennial burnout causes.



Engage in Self-Care


Another way to soothe the millennial burnout woes is by proactively engaging in some self-care. Self-care is also an excellent preventive strategy against burnout, so once you've recovered, you should continue the routine. What you do for self-care will vary from person to person. Some people enjoy hot, steaming baths with bath bombs or oils, a TV show and a glass of wine. Other people might meditate or practise mindfulness via an app or podcast. Others might connect with friends and family or book some time away to recharge.


Have Fun


While burnout is serious business, you can push through it by having fun and finding the spark that the burnout extinguished. You can laugh, bond, and create good memories by engaging in a fun outing with friends or family. You might have a laser tag match or go to an axe-throwing venue, escape room, or break stuff room—other fun activities include camping, bowling, movies or an interactive exhibition or game. You can find fun activities by researching what's happening in your area.


Seek Professional Help


If your millennial burnout is severe, and you're feeling depressed, anxious, angry or even suicidal, you must seek professional help from a qualified counsellor or psychologist. Talking to a professional who can use different therapeutic interventions to assist you with dealing with your burnout is nothing to be ashamed of and may help you get back into the regular swing of life. You could also consider seeing a psychiatrist, who may prescribe some anti-anxiety or antidepressant medication as a short-term solution while you engage in therapy.


Examine Your Relationships


Finally, sometimes, the people we spend time with can significantly impact our mental state, and this is especially true if you're suffering from millennial burnout. Examine your friendships, and ask yourself if any of your friends make you feel more anxious or stressed. Sometimes, a break from a friendship can be a positive thing, and if a friend is toxic or is treating you poorly, you may be better off without them in your life.


Burnout Conclusions


This helpful article has shared what millennial burnout is and what you can do about it. The valuable tips in this blog should help you deal with your mental health and equip you to return to life refreshed and restored. A new career or study pathway may be a viable option, and don't forget to have some fun along the way.


This article is part of the Point-of-View Programme.



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