The UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has appointed Prof Gillian Leng as its new chief executive, a few days after confirming Sharmila Nebhrajani as new chair.

Prof Leng will take up the role officially on 1 April when Sir Andrew Dillon officially steps down after heading the organisation since its inception in 1999. Prof Leng joined NICE in 2001 and
has held the post of Deputy Chief Executive since 2007. She is also currently its Director of Health and Social Care.

“I look forward to working with the Institute’s staff and stakeholders as we enter an exciting new chapter of innovative changes to deliver our portfolio of guidance into the hands of frontline staff in an easy and intuitive way,” said Leng in a statement.

Last year both Sir Andrew Dillon and the agency’s chair, Sir David Haslam, announced stepping down, and since then NICE has been searching to establish new leadership. Now this search is completed.

Sir Andrew called Prof Leng “an outstanding leader.” “I am entirely confident that NICE will be safe and successful in her hands,” he said in a statement.

Prof Leng is a trained medical doctor specialising in public health medicine. She is also visiting professor at King’s College London,
trained in medicine at University of Leeds and worked on clinical trials and epidemiological research in University of Edinburgh, and in London as a consultant in public health medicine before joining NICE.

Source: NICE

Image credit: NICE

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United Kingdom, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Gillian Leng, Sir Andrew Dillon, Sir David Haslam, management appointment National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Appoints New CEO