The objective of enterprise imaging is to align technologies, providers and priorities to drive clinical outcomes.


69% of organisations involved in enterprise imaging have reported an improvement since 2018 in their imaging strategies, says a KLAS release.


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Helping healthcare bodies progress with enterprise imaging are universal viewers, vendor neutral archives (VNAs) and new service lines. The establishment of a wider network of physical medical sites like image centres or hospitals are supporting strategy by contributing more technology.


The story isn’t so rosy for everyone though. One-fifth of organisations KLAS surveyed reported they were struggling, with enterprise imaging initiatives stalling or regressing.


Failings are largely due to lack of funding, industry consolidation, weak vendors, and substandard internal alignment.


But, out of these, the fundamental and recurring roadblock to successful enterprise imaging strategy was internal strategy, including poor communication, executive buy-in, IT support and lack of vision.


KLAS noted, however, that getting enterprise imaging strategy on track significantly improved outcomes for an organisation.


It highlighted the following factors as contributing to successful enterprise imaging strategy:


·      Increased VNA.

·      Increased universal viewer for rises in clinical productivity.

·      Electronic medical record (EMR) integration.

·      Vendor-healthcare organisation partnership.


The average rating from healthcare organisations for the strategic contributions from their enterprise imaging vendors was 7.3 out of nine points. Vendors also impacted positively governance, workflow and roadmap.


Source: KLAS

Image credit: iStock


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