• Shrinking the Gaps: E-Health and Cardiology

    According to Moore’s law (named after Intel cofounder Gordon E. Moore), computer capacity increases exponentially, approximately doubling every two years. Two decades ago, for many medical professionals, a computer was still a novelty. Nowadays, an office without one looks bare, incomplete. The healthcare industry has been slow to adopt this...

  • Update From the European Institutions

    Spain Takes Over Presidency of EU Council Spain has pledged to drive forward the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA) during its six-month Presidency of the Council of the EU, which started on January 1st. Innovation and equality are at the heart of the Spanish Presidency programme, explained Science and Innovation Minister Cristina...

  • Oldes & E-Health for the Elderly: An Affordable and Customisable Telecardiology System

    Background on Telemedicine- Related EU Policies   A European Commission Communication, adopted on the 04/11/2008 (COM – 2008 - 689 final), advocates the development and use of telemedicine services, including diagnosis, treatment and monitoring at a distance across Europe. The Communication highlights how, in an ageing Europe, where more...

  • Guidelines for Running a Paediatric Telecardiology Service:

    Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Shares Their Success For paediatric cardiologists, telecardiology has become a valuable tool in diagnosing and triaging newborns with suspected congenital heart disease at remote hospital nurseries. The tele echocardiography programme developed over 15 years ago at the Children's Memorial Hospital, Chicago,...

  • Making an E-Health Investment: High Potential Opportunity and Managerial Challenge

    The increase in demand for health services tends more and more often to outstrip the increase in supply. Ageing populations, increasing incidence of chronic diseases, and improvements in medical knowledge and technological equipment are the main demand drivers across the EU. The financial and real resources available for meeting this increase in demand...

  • Interview with Prof. Valentin E. Sinitsyn:

    Co-Founder of the European Society of Cardiac Radiology Talks About Collaboration Between Cardiologists and Radiologists Born in Elizovo, on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia on 14 November 1961, Prof. Valentin Sinitsyn began medical school at the Sechenov 1st Moscow Medical Institute in 1978, and graduated in 1984. From 1984 to 1988 he worked...

  • Developments in Structural Heart Disease Interventions

    How Progress is Changing Practice for Interventional Specialists Interventional treatments of structural heart disease are evolving at a rapid pace and are now established routine in many centres worldwide. Some have even left the traditional interventional field of cardiology behind and have emerged from coronary catheterisation labs into specialised...

  • Overview of the Healthcare Systems in the Nordic Countries

    The Nordic healthcare system has a long heritage. It is especially well-established with regard to primary and preventive healthcare. These couple into sophisticated occupational health standards which are considered to be models by the outside world. All Nordic countries also have highly-developed hospital services. Nordic healthcare systems...

  • Cardiology in the Nordic Countries

    Overview of the National Societies of Cardiology in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark Norwegian Society of Cardiology (NSC) The Norwegian Society of Cardiology (NSC) was founded in 1969. Its main activities can be divided into: Organisational: Provides advice and support for the Norwegian Medical Association related to education...

  • Update From Healthcare Industry

    European Approval Given to ST. Jude Medical ICD and CRT-D Devices St. Jude Medical implantable cardio verter defibrillators (ICD) and cardiac resynchronisation therapy defibrillators (CRTD) have been given the European CE Mark approval.   The products, including the Fortify(TM) and Fortify ST ICDs as well as the Unify(TM) CRT-D,...

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