• Nurse’s View: “How Are You, Nurse?”

    If somebody had asked me this question, “How are you, nurse?” 6-8 weeks ago, I would have probably cried. The situation in Great Britain was pretty tough, worse than in March-April 2020, when the whole crisis of COVID-19 started for us in the UK! I guess no other European country had to go through that bushfire we have to go through with the...

  • Patients’ Voice to Cancel Cancer: From Shooting In the Dark We Can Become a Sniper

    “Cancer is a mobile disease. It changes while you look at it. Treat it like tuberculosis; 4 drugs for one year, at the same time!” Professor David Tuveson, CSHL   We do not execute what we already know!   Patients are dying because the scientific knowledge that is available today is not implemented to improve the...

  • Digital Healthcare Focus: Digital Health Professionals

    Why all health organisations need them, how can you become one, and why now?   In this space I explore monthly topics, from concepts to technologies, related to the necessary steps to build Digital Healthcare Systems. For the month of March 2021, I choose to discuss education for Digital Health in a brief article ‘Why all healthcare...

  • Zoom On: Dr Rafael J. Grossmann

    Dr Rafael Grossmann, MD, FACS , is a practicing surgeon in the USA as well as a global speaker, healthcare and education technologist and futurist. Originally from Venezuela, he did his surgery residency in Ann Arbor, MI, USA, and developed as a General, Trauma, Advanced Laparoscopic and Robotic surgeon; he now practices in Maine, USA. His...

  • Nurse's View: Is There Life After COVID-19?

    In the UK the incidence numbers are going down, which is a relief to see and to feel. I was pretty down at the beginning of 2021 and hope seemed far away. Four weeks down the line, and I am happier again.   I can see what the huge vaccination programme (over 13% of the U.K. population has been vaccinated) has brought...

  • Modern Digital Health: Inaugurations, Digital Health and Powerful Women

    A pandemic-free text. In a season of inaugural addresses, I am humbled to have one of my own...   As this new year begins, I begin it with the launch of this column – a space where, once a month, I will serve as an observer in this ever-expanding healthcare ecosystem. From my vantage point as a business school law...

  • Digital Healthcare Focus: Societal Health Perspectives

    The costs of loneliness, and telepresence as a social snack   In this space I explore monthly topics, from concepts to technologies, related to the necessary steps to build Digital Healthcare Systems. For the month of February 2021, I have invited Prof. Luisa Lima to co-author a brief article on ‘The costs of loneliness and...

  • Affidea Case – Building a Highway Towards Healthcare Digitisation

    Digital technologies are impacting our way of living on a daily basis allowing customers to shop online, make travelling arrangements, use banking services, educational platforms, without physical presence. Healthcare was adopting innovative technologies aiming to increase accuracy of medical outcomes but embracing digital tools for online services...

  • Nurse's View: Are We Back to Square One with COVID-19 in UK?

    A personal reflection from a COVID-recovered Staff Nurse.   Happy New Year! I should scream it from the bottom of my heart to you all, dear readers, but it is only early January and I don’t feel really happy. It is THE NEW YEAR, but my feelings say – it is still March 2020 onwards, when the horror of COVID-19 started in the UK....

  • How To Address Resource Shortage In Radiology?

    Shortage of skilled manpower is a widespread fact and has indeed not spared radiology. If you are looking into details why radiological manpower is missing, you will find different reasons for it.   · Radiology seems not to be that attractive anymore for young doctors · Further, radiology itself gets more and more complex and the ongoing specialization...

  • Digital Healthcare Focus: Liability Issues of AI Use in Healthcare

    In this space I explore monthly topics, from concepts to technologies, related to the necessary steps to build Digital Healthcare Systems. For the month of January 2021, I look onto liability issues of artificial intelligence (AI) use in hospitals; next month we will explore why a ‘Societal Health’ perspective is key in the maturation and resilience...


    TWINSTREAM ® ICU WITH P-BLV ® (PULSATILE BILEVEL VENTILATION) The Austrian critical care ventilator TwinStream ® ICU was designed with the explicit purpose of saving critically respiratory-distressed patients. In particular those patients with severe lung diseases (e.g. ARDS) who can no longer be supported with conventional ventilation. ...

  • Zoom On: Martin J. Hatlie

    Martin J. Hatlie, JD is CEO of Project Patient Care (PPC), a non-profit organisation focussed on bringing the voice and experience of patients into healthcare improvement work. He also serves as Co-Director of the MedStar Institute for Quality and Safety, which integrates open and honest communication strategies, patient and family engagement,...

  • Nurse’s View: How Do I Feel About COVID-19 Vaccine?

    Inaugurating her new column with HealthManagement.org, Sabine Torgler reflects on the news about the start of the vaccination programme against COVID-19 in the UK from the nurse’s perspective.   Since two weeks ago, it is public that the UK is starting its vaccination programme against COVID-19. When the BBC reported it on Wednesday,...

  • Affidea Experience: Improving Patient Safety with AI

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced from a debate into a large collection of different technologies with applicability in everyday life, meant to bring a difference in people’s life, from the way we interact between us, take decisions, buy products, set goals or monitor health. The healthcare sector makes no exception. We all...

  • Digital Healthcare Focus: Integrating Telerehabilitation in Rehabilitation Care

    In this space I will explore monthly topics, from concepts to technologies, related to the necessary steps to build Digital Healthcare Systems. For the month of December 2020, I have invited Dr Paula Amorim to co-author this inaugural column. She will share her view on ‘the challenges and opportunities of integrating telerehabilitation in rehabilitation...

  • Zoom On: Dr Donna Prosser

    Dr Donna Prosser has worked in healthcare for over thirty years, first as a bedside nurse, but more recently, for the past two decades, focussed on healthcare quality and safety in healthcare administration and as a consultant. As Chief Clinical Officer at the Patient Safety Movement Foundation, Dr Prosser’s focus is helping hospitals...

  • How to Manage Radiology Workflows Based on Facts?

    The profitability and success of an imaging center depend on day-to-day management decisions. Who provides the facts for these decisions? Where is potential for improvement in the workflows? How high is the workload? How can it be ensured that risk factors are identified promptly and that targeted measures are derived?   Radiology IT systems such...

  • Can Web Applications Be Used Securely In The Healthcare Sector?

    High protection goals such as confidentiality and integrity for medical data (including patient data) require the highest standards of information security not only since the GDPR came into force. While classic firewall technologies provide good protection at network level, a web application at a higher level must be able to withstand a whole bundle...

  • Top Telemedicine Platforms: Features and Services

    The World Health Organization (WHO) defines telemedicine  as the delivery of health care services by healthcare professionals in areas where distance is a critical factor and where information and communication technologies need to be used for the exchange of information regarding diagnosis, treatment and prevention. The goal of telemedicine was...

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