• Zoom On: Elie Azoulay, Editor-in-Chief, Intensive Care Medicine

    Prof. Élie Azoulay, MD, PhD took up post in 2013 as Editor-in-Chief of Intensive Care Medicine , the official journal of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine . Dr. Azoulay is Professor of Medicine at  Paris Diderot University , France, and Director of the Medical Intensive Care Unit at Saint-Louis Teaching Hospital in Paris. 1....

  • Zoom On: Michael Niederman, Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician

    Michael S. Niederman, MD, MACP, FCCP, FCCM, FERS is Clinical Director, Pulmonary and Critical Care at New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Cente r and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College . 1.      What are your key areas of interest and research? Respiratory infections. I focus my interests on pneumonia arising...

  • Zoom On: Jorge Muniz - CEO Medcomic

    What are your key areas of interest and research? I am fascinated with pathophysiology in general. As an illustrator, I enjoy the opportunity to express my creativity and explore how the human body works. I feel lucky to be a PA in the field of internal medicine, where I get to help patients with a wide spectrum of issues. It’s very rewarding...

  • Zoom On: Robert W. Wachter MD

    Robert W. Wachter, MD is Professor and Interim Chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, where he also directs the Division of Hospital Medicine. Author of 250 articles and 6 books, he coined the term “hospitalist” in 1996 and is generally considered the “father” of the hospitalist field, the fastest growing...

  • Leading Together Programme: NHS England South’s Regional Medical Director Explains its Importance

    The NHS is constantly working to deliver health services which are safe, effective and provide a good experience of care. At some stage in our lives almost all of us will have cause to see a doctor – in our local general practice or in a hospital setting – and want to be sure that our doctors meet the high standards we expect. Every year doctors undergo...

  • Zoom On: Daniel Lichtenstein, Critical Ultrasound Pioneer

    Prof. Daniel Lichtenstein is a medical intensivist and visiting Professor, who has worked at the medical ICU, University Hospital Ambroise-Paré in Paris, since 1989. This ICU, previously chaired by Prof. François Jardin, is believed to be the first ICU that had ultrasound onsite for cardiac purposes.In 1991 Prof. Lichtenstein defined critical ultrasound,...

  • Zoom On: Dr. Paul Ballman

    Dr. Paul Ballman is Head of Leadership Development at Vodafone UK and the author of Red Pill: The Truth About Leadership. 1. What are your key areas of interest and research?  I am principally a practitioner in the area of leadership excellence, so that tends to drive my research interest. Much of my consulting work involves psychologically...

  • Zoom On: Laura Oleaga, chair of the ESR Education Committee

    Prof. Laura Oleaga, MD PhD, serves on the ESR Executive Council as chair of the ESR Education Committee . Since 2009, she is the Head of Radiology Department, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain. Also, Prof. Oleaga is Editor for the journals Radiologia, European Radiology and Neuroradiology .  1. What are your key areas of interest and research?...

  • Zoom On: Jessica Nutik Zitter, Critical Care and Palliative Care Physician and Writer

    Jessica Nutik Zitter, MD, MPH is a physician and writer with a professional interest in critical care and end-of-life care. She blogs for the Huffington Post and the New York Times . Her first book, Critical Decisions , a memoir about her professional journey at the intersection of ICU and Palliative Care medicine is due to be published by Avery/...

  • Zoom On: Curtis P. Langlotz, Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Informatics, Stanford University

    You might say that Silicon Valley's loss is radiology's gain when it comes to Curtis Langlotz, MD, PhD , who has spent his career on transforming radiology informatics. His research is focused on improving the accuracy and consistency of radiology communication through real-time decision support systems and other information technologies....

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