• Facing Challenges Together

    Heinz Kölking The year 2011 will surely stay in our memories for a long time due to the turbulent developments in the financial markets and national budgets. Under the widespread cost cutting measures in almost all European countries, hospitals have had to reduce spending or to find new sources of income. Company strategies had to...

  • EAHM

    Productive Executive Committee Meeting in Amsterdam The Executive Committee met for the 96th time on May 24th. The meeting took place in Amsterdam, kindly hosted by our new EAHM industry partner Arcadis.   A packed agenda as usual, the Executive Committee discussed many important issues including how to support our Greek colleagues...

  • EU News

    Moving Towards E-Health Ecosystems A declaration by the Irish Presidency of the Council of the EU committing Member States to developing eHealth ecosystems that could contribute to the reform of health systems has been welcomed by European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes and Health Commissioner Tonio Borg....

  • Healthcare Management Training in Northern Ireland

    Interviewees: Louise McMahon Director of Performance and Improvement Karen Hamill Graduate Trainee Like any profession, training and education will always be a key issue for hospital managers. Unlike doctors or lawyers, there  is no professional body dictating the requirements for entry into the profession and yet hospital managers...

  • Oncology and the Lab:EuroMedLab 2013

    This year’s EuroMedLab took place in Milan, Italy. As usual the programme was packed full of interesting presentations on topics ranging from point of care testing to biomarkers to public relations and laboratory management. Oncology was another key topic of the congress and it is these sessions we have decided to include in our oncology supplement....

  • EVKD News

    Produktives Meeting Des Ekekutivkomitees in Amsterdam   Am 24. Mai trat das Exekutivkomitee zum 96. Mal zusammen. Das Meeting fand in Amsterdam statt; als Gastgeber fungierte freundlicherweise unserer neuer EVKD Industriepartner Arcadis.   Wie immer war der Terminkalender voll gepackt; das Exekutivkomitee besprach eine Vielzahl...

  • Executive Summaries

    Health Management Training in Nord Irland (E)Hospital sprach mit zwei Managern aus Nord Irland, die ihren Kurs‚HSC Management Training Scheme’ abgeschlossen haben: Louise McMahon, Vorstand des ‚Institute of Health Management Northern Ireland Division’ schloss diesen Kurs als junge Hochschulabsolventin ab und stieg rasch die Karriereleiter...

  • Leading and Communicating in the Healthcare Industry

    Author Rebekah Page Rogers East Carolina University, Greenville NC,USA [email protected]   The healthcare industry is constantly advancing. In the past decade, the healthcare business has grown into a societal superpower that provides critical medical services for citizens and serves as an economic engine...

  • The Role of Interventional Radiology in Lung Tumours

    Authors Prof. Philippe L. Pereira (photo) Director, Clinic of Radiology, Minimally Invasive Therapies and Nuclear Medicine   Dr . Ernst Hohenstein Senior Physician, Clinic of Radiology, Minimally Invasive Therapies and Nuclear Medicine   Prof. Jens Rassweiler Director,...

  • Healthcare-Associated Bacterial Infection

    Authors Jared A. Greenberg , MD (photo) Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine University of Chicago,Chicago, US [email protected]   John P. Kress, MD Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Department of Medicine, University...

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