• The Kidney

    Author Jean-Louis Vincent Editor-in-Chief ICU Management, Head Department of Intensive Care Erasme Hospital / Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium [email protected]   In this issue our cover story focuses on one organ in particular, the kidney. As a commonly occurring complication...

  • Pointless Treatment in Critical Care Costly, Say U.S. Researchers

    Critical care treatment for patients that was perceived to be futile cost an estimated US$2.6 million at one academic medical centre during a three-month period, according to a study first published online last month in JAMA Internal Medicine. One in five patients in the study received treatment the physicians perceived as futile or potentially futile....

  • Self-Guided Robotic Intubation Device Prototype to Be Trialled

    Graduates of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Biodesign programme revealed in August a prototype robotic intubation device. GuideIN Tube automatically identifies the lungs using an infrared source and navigates toward it. The device was successfully tested on cadavers at the Hadassah Medical Center, and clinical trials will begin as soon as next...

  • Biomarkers for Acute Kidney Injury

    Author Lakhmir S. Chawla , MD Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine George Washington University Hospital Washington DC, USA   John A. Kellum, MD Professor and Vice Chair for Research Department of Critical Care Medicine University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA...

  • State of Critical Care in France

    Authors Yen- Lan Nguyen, MD,PHD MICU, Cochin Academic Hospital, APHP Paris, France & INSERM U707   Bertrand Guidet, MD INSERM U707 MICU, Saint Antoine Academic Hospital, APHP Paris, France & Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris, France   Access to Critical...

  • Hot Topics in Critical Care in France

    Authors Catherine Paugam- Burtz, MD,PHD Anaesthesia and Critical Care Department AP-HP Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Nord Val de Seine Hôpital Beaujon, Clichy, France Diderot University Paris, France [email protected]   Samir Jaber , MD, PHD Anaesthesia and Critical...

  • Facing Challenges Together

    Heinz Kölking The year 2011 will surely stay in our memories for a long time due to the turbulent developments in the financial markets and national budgets. Under the widespread cost cutting measures in almost all European countries, hospitals have had to reduce spending or to find new sources of income. Company strategies had to...

  • EAHM

    Productive Executive Committee Meeting in Amsterdam The Executive Committee met for the 96th time on May 24th. The meeting took place in Amsterdam, kindly hosted by our new EAHM industry partner Arcadis.   A packed agenda as usual, the Executive Committee discussed many important issues including how to support our Greek colleagues...

  • Health Technology Appraisal and Radiology

    Author: Dr. E. Jane Adam Consultant Radiologist, St. George’s Hospital London, UK Chair, Committee A, Technology Appraisal Committee NHS National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence UK [email protected]   Radiologists have become experts in evidence-based medicine. Both they...

  • The Stara Planina Regional Association of Hospitals

    Interviewee: Nina Muskurova Executive Director Regional Association of Hospitals Stara Planina   When and Why was the Association Founded? The association operates primarily in the Stara Planina region of Bulgaria as an organisation of hospitals and institutions professionally involved in healthcare as...

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