• Converting to Safety-Engineered Medical Devices:

    Compliance with the new EU Directive on Sharps Injury Prevention Author: Percy Stubbs Health and Safety Consultant Hazardous Substances, Medisch Centrum Haaglanden Netherlands In recent years, much work has been done by healthcare worker associations to highlight the danger of sharps injuries,...

  • The Sustainable Operating Room

    The Operating Room (OR) is a central part of the hospital environment. It is high risk and high cost, but there are many initiatives out there to make the OR more sustainable in terms of the environment and also cost-effectiveness. The OR uses the most supplies in a hospital and studies have shown that between 20-30% of hospital waste can be traced...

  • Connected Health Empowers Patients and Providers

    Author: David Pettigrew Sector Manager for Patient Care Sagentia Connected health is poised to transform the way services are delivered. Sagentia’s David Pettigrew examines how technology innovation is successfully making the transition to commercial reality.   Ageing populations and the growing...

  • Personalised Medical Technology

    Author: Prof. Dr. med. Mathias Goyen Academic Research Director GE Healthcare [email protected] Personalised medicine is all the rage and has become a dominant guiding theme of health research. The focus is on the development of drugs that allow customised treatment. Based on the genetic individuality...

  • The Healthcare System in Luxembourg

    Authors: Marc Hastert General Secretary FHL Laure Pellerin Economic Consultant FHL Located in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg has, for a country with an area of 2,586 km 2 , over 537,000 residents to is added daily + / - 150, 000 cross-border workers. The Luxembourg society is distinguished...

  • The Federation of Luxembourgish Hospitals

    The FHL groups together hospitals in Luxembourg, defends their occupational interests and promotes all progress in the hospital sector including the wellbeing of the patient. It does this in a spirit of perfect political and religious independence.   The FHL was founded in 1948. It began as a structure grouping hospital managers and administrators,...

  • The Healthcare System in Lithuania

    Author: Viktoras Meižis Director of Druskininkai Hospital Background Lithuania is a country in Northern Europe, the largest of the three Baltic states. The Republic of Lithuania is a parliamentary Republic with some attributes of a semi-presidential system. The country is divided into 10 counties that are further...

  • Reform of Lithuanian Hospitals During the Economic Crisis

    Author: Edmundas Baltakis Chairman of the Lithuanian Association of Hospital Managers Head Doctor of Joniskis Hospital Over the past five years, the number of state hospitals has fallen by 17.6 percent, meaning that as many as 18 facilities (mainly specialised – 47.6 percent) were merged into separate...

  • Association of Hospital Managers Physicians of Lithuania

    Author: Stasys Gendvilis President LAHMP The Association of Hospital Managers Physicians of Lithuania (LAHMP) was founded 22 years ago by a small group of enthusiasts - managers of healthcare institutions. Over the last decade it has changed in terms of numbers (the number of members has increased from 50 to 130),...

  • Editorial

    Willy J. Heuschen, Secrétaire général de l'AEDH et rédacteur en chef Uneeresponsabilit é Conjointe La conférence annuelle de l' European Public Health Alliance qui s'est tenue pendant la présidence de l'Union européenne de la Lituanie a fait état des disparités croissants concernant l’état de santé de la population...

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