• The whole patient? The whole person

    I am myself and my circumstances (Ortega y Gasset). Patients are people when they leave the doctor´s office. They live a life, have jobs and families. Taking a whole person approach is the only way forward to face today´s and tomorrow´s healthcare challenges. Why is talking about the whole person relevant today in healthcare? Let’s...

  • Can we evaluate and treat the patient as a whole?

    What is the potential for a more rounded healthcare approach? If we want to implement the WHO definition of health, we need to build people-centred care and service systems that we will evaluate the patient as a whole. In 1948, the World Health Organization defined the concept of health as follows: “A state of complete physical, mental...

  • Measuring Patient Engagement

    Why and how we need to assess patient centricity. Focusing on the issues and opportunities in quantifying patient engagement in pharma. It is an exciting time to be a member of the ‘patient economy’. For close to a decade pharma has worked relentlessly – sometimes seeming to run in circles – chasing the ‘perfect’ infrastructure to implement...

  • The whole patient infographic

    Understanding the 'whole patient' and how it could lead to better clinical outcomes and more positive patient experiences. 

  • Imaging applications of artificial intelligence

    The potential impact of artificial intelligence in radiology is impressive; vendors and major academic centres are developing a wide array of artificial intelligence applications and neural networks to aid radiologists in clinical diagnosis and clinical decision support. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the trending topics in medicine...

  • Would you use a dirty ultrasound probe on yourself?

      Making the ultrasound scan a safer examination   A sonographer and a microbiologist working together to increase awareness of infection control in the ultrasound world.   Over the past few years, these two Australians have published extensively in the field of infection control in medical ultrasound practice. Whilst Sue performs...

  • US-elastography for superficial organs: update

    US-elastography, introduced to clinical practice in the early 2000s, is today considered a useful additional tool to baseline ultrasound in different clinical fields. Several papers, as well as the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) and the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology...

  • The sepsis box, bag and trolley

    Evaluation of aids to the delivery of sepsis treatment. In NHS Wales the Sepsis 6 bundle, delivered within one hour of sepsis recognition, has been standard treatment in acute hospital settings since 2013. We describe various methods for increasing the speed and effectiveness of Sepsis 6 bundle delivery that have been trialled with positive...

  • Humanizing the ICU experience with enhanced communication

    Avicenne ICU’s initiative. Decisions to limit therapy (DTLT) are routine for ICU physicians. Although breaking bad news is one of the most difficult tasks clinicians face, ongoing communication is even more crucial as families (not necessary following a legal or genetic definition) of critically ill patients have heightened communication...

  • Implementing ECCO2R and vv-ECMO in non-academic centres

    Shares experiences of implementing extracorporeal life support in a non-academic hospital. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a life-threatening disorder characterised by severe impairment of gas exchange. The most common causes are pneumonia, sepsis and acute pancreatitis. It is accurately defined in the Berlin definitions...

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