• Alexandre Lourenço

    Alexandre Lourenço is CEO/Chairman Coimbra's Healthcare Integrated Delivery System and Adjunct Professor at the National School of Public Health - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA SPH) where he coordinates the World Health Organization Colaborating Centre on Health Management. He is a member of the Portuguese Health Regulatory Authority Advisory Board representing public healthcare providers. He has held public positions in various institutions of the Ministry of Health and was a consultant to the World Health Organization (2014-2023), supporting dozens of countries in the areas of healthcare financing and delivery. He holds a PhD in management from the Nova School of Business & Economics. Specialised in hospital administration, he has a postgraduate degree in primary healthcare management and a Master's in Health Management. He served as President of the Portuguese Association of Hospital Administrators (2016-2022), a member of the Board of the European Hospital Managers Association (2016-2022), Treasurer of the European Health Management Association (2019-2024) and co-chair of the Scientific Council of the World Hospital Congress (2022–2023).

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    Email —  ******@***apah.pt
    CEO/Chairman Coimbra’s Healthcare Integrated Delivery System
    Adjunct Professor National School of Public Health - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA SPH) —  Portugal
    Editor-in-Chief EXEC HealthManagement.org - The Journal

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