Search Tag: wellbeing

Executive Health Management

2022 08 Feb

Trainer Prof. Federico Lega Find EHMA on Social Media     Read more

Executive Health Management

2021 13 May

Long before the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare systems struggled to manage the mental health and wellbeing of their diverse healthcare workforce who often suffered from stress, anxiety, long working hours and other related issues, which can lead to workplace burnout.  The relatively new role of the chief wellness officer (CWO) are tasked with...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 27 May

While the importance of good leadership to the success of healthcare organisations is increasingly recognised, its direct effect on the professional satisfaction and burnout of individual physicians is poorly understood. A survey of physicians and scientists working at Mayo Clinic was conducted to evaluate the impact of organisational leadership on...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 05 Jan

Physicians' work schedules are an important determinant of their own wellbeing and that of their patients. A new  study published in Applied Ergonomics  aimed to determine whether allowing physicians control over their work hours ameliorates the effects of demanding work schedules. Based on the results, optimising the balance between schedule flexibility...Read more