Search Tag: tocilizumab

ICU Management

2021 16 Feb

A large majority of COVID-19 infections are mild or asymptomatic. However, there is a significant portion of individuals who develop severe respiratory illness that requires hospital care, and that could progress to critical illness with hypoxic respiratory failure requiring prolonged ventilatory support. This hypoxic respiratory failure is associated...Read more

ICU Management

2020 26 Oct

Tocilizumab is a humanised monoclonal antibody that binds human interleukin 6 (IL-6) receptors. It is generally used in inflammatory arthritis, giant cell arteritis and cytokine release syndrome after chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy.   Tocilizumab has come under close scrutiny during the COVID-19 pandemic. Early observations from China...Read more

ICU Management

2020 19 May

Clinicians are faced with a serious disease with no effective therapy. Several options are being considered to treat COVID-19, but how promising are these drugs? A  number of colleagues and friends from outside the hospital have asked me whether they should take hydroxychloroquine for their COVID-19. A friend asked me whether he should...Read more