Search Tag: survival

Cardiology Management

2017 20 Mar

Patients adhering to prescribed statin medication before heart surgery may significantly improve survival following the operation, according to new research published in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. Patients stop taking certain medications before heart surgery to avoid any adverse health effects. But this study shows that patients should continue...Read more

Cardiology Management

2016 04 Jan

Survival rates for patients who suffer cardiac arrest outside of a hospital are extremely low. An editorial published in theĀ  Annals of Emergency Medicine outlines three interventions that could significantly improve survival rates and functional outcomes for such patients. The editorial also highlights the need for additional funding for cardiac...Read more

Cardiology Management

2015 08 Feb

A review of research by UT Southwestern Medical Center Emergency Medicine physicians shows that the depth of chest compressions and the rate at which they are applied can have a significant impact on the survival and recovery of patients. The findings have been published in Circulation and Critical Care Medicine . The reviews show that CPR...Read more