Search Tag: speech

ICU Management

2018 01 Jun

The role of speech and language therapists (SLTs) in critical care can be unclear so this article sets out the scope of practice to increase awareness of the value of SLTs as part of the wider multidisciplinary team. Speech and language therapists (SLT) are trained to deliver specialist clinical services to adults with a broad range of disorders,...Read more

ICU Management

2015 05 Dec

Tracheostomies are among the most common procedures performed in critically ill patients, and intensive care nurses can take an active role in helping restore speech to patients with tracheostomies, according to a report published in the journal Critical Care Nurse . Nursing assessments and interventions to help patients regain the ability to speak...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 27 Apr

With a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique, the vocal neuromuscular movements of singing and speaking can now be captured at 100 frames per second — a speed that is 10 times faster than standard MRI scanners. The novel technique, developed at the University of Illinois' Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, enabled researchers...Read more

ICU Management

2015 28 Jan

More than half of patients in intensive care units (ICU) using ventilators to help them breathe could benefit from assistive communication tools and speech language consultation, according to a new study published in Heart & Lung . These tools could be as simple as a notepad and pen that would allow a patient to write requests and questions, researchers...Read more