Search Tag: smartphones
2022 25 Oct
Physical activity is associated with mortality risk. Several studies have shown that people who engage in more moderate-to-vigorous activity and are less sedentary have lower mortality rates. These findings have been further confirmed in meta-analyses in which activity sensors record total activity and statistical models predict mortality risk using...Read more
2022 15 Feb
Blood clots help stop bleeding in case of an injury. However, blood clots in patients with issues like mechanical heart valves or other heart conditions can lead to a stroke or heart attack. That is why millions of people use blood-thinning medications such as warfarin to make it harder for blood to clot. Patients using warfarin need to be tested...Read more
2016 02 Mar
According to an article published in JAMA Internal Medicine, a blood pressure smartphone app delivered inaccurate results in a small study. The findings suggest that more than three quarters of people who use these apps and who have hypertensive BP levels may be getting false reassurance that their blood pressure is under control. The app - Instant...Read more
2015 23 Jun
According to research presented at EHRA EUROPACE – CARDIOSTIM 2015, cardiac device wearers should keep a safe distance from their smartphones in order to avoid any painful shocks or pauses in function. Dr. Carsten Lennerz, first author and cardiology resident in the Clinic for Heart and Circulatory Diseases, German Heart Centre, Munich, Germany,...Read more