Search Tag: scheduling

Executive Health Management

2018 28 Nov

By now, everyone is familiar with the impact that a shortage of nurses has on healthcare organisations. In any hospital, nurses are one of the highest budget components, and not just because of absolute employee numbers. Excessive overtime and the stress associated with it increases costs twice: first with the increased rate of pay, and second with...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 28 Dec

The holiday season is generally a time to celebrate but with the celebration, it also brings stress and anxiety. The season is especially stressful for healthcare providers as nobody - both healthcare workers and patients - do not want to spend their holidays in the hospital.  An article in Becker's Hospital Review highlights the need for hospitals...Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 13 Nov

An irregular work schedule can negatively influence health and socialisation due to a disruption of normal circadian rhythms. New research explored the impact of long-term shift work on cognition, and found that workers who were exposed to frequently changing schedules or odd work hours for more than ten years showed signs of cognitive impairment equal...Read more