Search Tag: physical activity

Cardiology Management

2024 11 Jun

  New research reveals that moderate to vigorous physical activity in the evening is most beneficial for lowering daily blood sugar levels in sedentary adults with overweight and obesity. The findings are published in Obesity.    It is well established that moderate to vigorous physical activity enhances glucose homeostasis in overweight and...Read more

Cardiology Management

2024 06 Jun

  People with high blood pressure have an increased risk of cognitive impairment, including dementia. However, a new study by researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine indicates that participating in physical activity more than once a week can reduce this risk. The findings are published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia.    The researchers...Read more

Cardiology Management

2024 05 Jun

  Driven by an ageing and increasingly diverse population, along with a significant rise in risk factors such as high blood pressure and obesity, the total costs related to cardiovascular disease (CVD) are projected to triple by 2050. This projection comes from the American Heart Association. It is expected that at least 61% of U.S. adults, or over...Read more

Cardiology Management

2023 22 Nov

A recent study from UCL and the University of Sydney, supported by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and published in the European Heart Journal, reveals that replacing sitting with just a few minutes of moderate exercise per day significantly enhances heart health. This research, the first evidence from the international Prospective Physical Activity,...Read more

Cardiology Management

2023 19 Jul

  Individuals facing difficulty finding time to exercise during a busy work week can still benefit from their physical activity by concentrating their moderate-to-vigorous exercise on one to two days of the week or the weekend.   A recent study published in JAMA, conducted by investigators from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), explored...Read more

Cardiology Management

2022 01 Mar

New findings published in the BMJ show that exercise interventions delivered in primary care boost levels of moderate to vigorous intensity activity in adults by an average of 14 minutes a week.  This effect might seem modest, but the researchers say that even small increases in moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity are important in...Read more

Cardiology Management

2021 13 Apr

A new study shows that leisure-time physical activity and occupational physical activity have opposite, and independent associations with cardiovascular disease risk and longevity. The study is published in  European Heart Journal.  The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends physical activity during both recreation and work to improve health....Read more

Cardiology Management

2020 03 Mar

For most people, the benefits of aerobic exercise far outweigh the risks, however, extreme endurance exercise - such as participation in marathons and triathlons for people who aren't accustomed to high-intensity exercise - can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, atrial fibrillation (a heart rhythm disorder) or heart attacks, according to a new...Read more

Cardiology Management

2019 12 Oct

As little as a daily ping on your phone can boost physical activity, researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine and their collaborators report in a new study. The finding comes by way of the first-ever entirely digital, randomised clinical trial, which sought to answer two overarching questions: Is it feasible to successfully...Read more

Cardiology Management

2018 07 Jun

New research finds that increased physical activity, not weight loss, gives individuals with coronary heart disease a longer lease on life. Researchers at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) have found that heart disease patients can gain weight without jeopardising their health, but sitting in their recliner incurs significant...Read more

Cardiology Management

2018 24 Apr

A Swedish study of more than 22,000 patients indicates that becoming more physically active after a heart attack halved the risk of death within four years. The findings were presented at EuroPrevent 2018, a European Society of Cardiology congress. Physical activity and exercise have been shown to reduce the risk of a heart attack and to help people...Read more

Cardiology Management

2017 04 Mar

New research shows that only a small number (16 percent) of heart attack survivors get the recommended amount of physical activity in the weeks after hospitalisation. Despite evidence showing benefits from exercise, these patients still fear that straining their heart through exertion will cause chest pain or another heart attack, according to researchers...Read more

Cardiology Management

2016 01 Mar

New research presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology/Lifestyle 2016 meeting shows that workers age 45 years or older in sales, office-support or service occupations have more risk factors for heart disease and stroke as compared to workers in management or professional jobs.  The research found wide variation in the cardiovascular...Read more

Cardiology Management

2016 08 Feb

Despite the fact that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for women globally and women who have an acute coronary heart event are more likely to die or to suffer complications during the initial recovery period, they are still less likely to make use of cardiac rehabilitation programs.  Investigators show that women who participate...Read more

Cardiology Management

2015 24 Nov

According to a study conducted with older Americans, modest physical activity was associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in both men and women older than 75 years of age.  Regular physical activity is generally advised for this population but to date, there was very little supportive evidence to prove its benefits.  This study,...Read more

Cardiology Management

2015 12 Oct

Symptoms of depression after a heart attack can often be an issue both in patients who already suffer from chronic depression before their heart attack and those who become depressed as an acute reaction to the event. Depression in cardiac patients differs from those in psychiatric patients and in most cases, these patients don't communicate that they...Read more

Cardiology Management

2015 04 Aug

A new study published in the  American Journal of Physiology–Heart and Circulatory Physiology   investigates whether regular exercise helps the heart even after a heart attack occurs.  It is well established that exercise promotes heart health but since other lifestyle factors also cause heart disease, regular physical activity may not be enough to...Read more

Cardiology Management

2015 14 May

In a study conducted by researchers from the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) and King's College London, people with established psychosis have extremely high levels of cardiovascular risk factors. The study has been published in   Psychological Medicine. This is the largest study of its...Read more

Cardiology Management

2015 10 May

One in five people are expected to develop heart failure in developed countries, a disease with no cure but which is largely preventable. The Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) is highlighting the need for greater awareness of heart failure symptoms. Across Europe, countries are holding Heart Failure Awareness...Read more

Cardiology Management

2014 14 Feb

Moderate exercise like brisk walking may cut women’s stroke risk 20 percent and help offset some of the increased stroke risk in women taking postmenopausal hormone therapy.  According to the latest research presented at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference 2014, women do not need to run marathons or do intense aerobics...Read more