Search Tag: pharmacists

ICU Management

2024 05 Jun

  Expanding the role of pharmacists in treating minor illnesses could potentially save millions in healthcare costs, according to new research led by Washington State University. The findings suggest that increasing pharmacists' clinical services, including prescribing medications, can enhance healthcare access amid a shortage of primary care providers....Read more

ICU Management

2022 25 Aug

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ICU Management

2016 30 Nov

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ICU Management

2016 30 Nov

We provide an overview of the various facets of pharmacist practice in the intensive care unit (ICU), the current extent to which pharmacists are present in the ICU, along with a discussion on barriers and lessons learned in garnering support for such a role.   Caring for critically ill patients in an intensive care unit (ICU) is considered...Read more

ICU Management

2016 11 Mar

All drugs are inherently dangerous. In critical care we give large numbers of particularly dangerous drugs to very sick people, who have little physiological reserve to cope with additional problems. When patients are admitted to or transferred out of critical care we have to transfer complex information about patients’ medications. The staff prescribing...Read more