Search Tag: patient satisfaction

IT Management

2024 01 Aug

  The perioperative period, encompassing the time before, during, and after surgery, is crucial for patient outcomes. Effective communication between healthcare providers and patients during this time can significantly impact patient satisfaction, knowledge acquisition, and overall recovery. Traditional methods often face challenges such as time...Read more

IT Management

2019 11 Feb

Find HIMSS on Social Media Read more

IT Management

2016 12 Jan

HIMSS Value Score is healthcare's first international quality measurement for the value of health IT. Launched in early December, the model will provide guidance to organisations seeking better strategies for turning their health IT investments into meaningful returns. The Value Score can be a useful tool especially to providers who may not understand...Read more

IT Management

2015 30 Nov

A new study appearing in JAMA Internal Medicine indicates that high computer use by clinicians in safety-net hospital clinics is associated with lower patient satisfaction. The observational study was conducted over two years at an academically affiliated public hospital with a basic electronic health record. Safety-net clinics cater for populations...Read more