Search Tag: overdiagnosis

Executive Health Management

2019 13 Nov

Prof. Fiona Gilbert is a leading light in the field of breast imaging with her contribution to the field being marked with Honorary Membership at Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) annual meeting in Chicago this December. Since her graduation from Glasgow University in 1978 she has built an illustrious career in the UK in multiple areas...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 25 May

According to new research published in the journal PLOS ONE, only one in ten Australians report being told about the risk of overdiagnosis by their doctors. Overdiagnosis is an increasingly recognised problem. Often, healthy people are screened for diseases such as prostate or breast cancer and are victims of unnecessary labelling and treatment....Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 08 Apr

A study published this week in Health Affairs reports that the US spends an estimated $4 billion per year on unnecessary medical expenditures for women between the ages of 40 and 59 who see their doctors for breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. The costs are related to mammograms that generate false alarms ($2.8 billion) and treatment for some...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 04 Mar

It is unknown whether the benefits outweigh the risks of screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). AAA involves the swelling of the main blood vessel that leads away from the heart and down through the abdomen. An undetected rupture in the wall of the artery is fatal in 80 percent of cases, most of which involve men older than age 65, with smoking...Read more