Search Tag: organ cross-talk
2025 07 Jan
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition caused by a dysregulated host response to infection, leading to organ dysfunction. Sepsis involves both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory processes, which can occur early in the disease and explain the severe clinical outcomes such as septic shock and premature death. However, each patient follows a unique...Read more
2018 16 Oct
Organ cross-talk is a popular mechanism invoked to explain the progression of multi-organ dysfunction syndrome; however this term is often ill-defined and may encompass many differing mechanisms of organ interaction. In this article the concept of cross-talk is reviewed and its real meaning to the clinical is critically appraised. Multi-organ...Read more
2018 16 Mar
The complex nature of the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) requires an integrated supportive therapy. Native organs have a continuous crosstalk and have in common in most cases an altered composition of the blood circulating and perfusing them. In this article we describe the concept of extracorporeal organ support (ECOS) for the treatment...Read more