Search Tag: low back pain

IMAGING Management

2018 20 Jun

Low back pain (LBP) is a common complaint of people visiting the emergency department. As imaging of LBP has been identified as a key area of imaging overuse (e.g., Choosing Wisely recommendation), interventions to reduce image ordering among patients with LBP in both primary and acute care settings have been recommended. A new systematic review...Read more

IMAGING Management

2017 16 May

Clinical decision support integrated in electronic order entry forms can safely and effectively reduce imaging orders for patients with low-back pain in the emergency department (ED), according to a study in press inĀ  Journal of the American College of Radiology. Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common reasons for people in the U.S. and Canada...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 29 Nov

Low back pain (LBP) is a common patient complaint, representing 2 percent of all Emergency Room visits in the U.S., and a huge expense for the health service in imaging costs. It affects up to 85% of Americans, and the direct healthcare are costs more than 85 billion or 9 percent of national health expenditure. Two studies presented at the Radiological...Read more