Search Tag: interoperability

Executive Health Management

2024 02 Dec

  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is hailed as a transformative force in healthcare, with the potential to enhance patient outcomes, optimise operations and reduce errors. Yet, such optimism is reminiscent of the early promises made about Electronic Health Records (EHRs) two decades ago. Back then, EHRs were expected to revolutionise healthcare by...Read more

Executive Health Management

2024 06 Mar

  Black Book Market Research just unveiled their survey analysis of the state of population health data activation platforms and data management systems. The findings underscore an escalating need for robust health data integration solutions, driven by various factors including cost reduction, managing healthcare consumer data, meeting consumer demands...Read more

Executive Health Management

2023 28 Nov

  Interoperability outcomes in healthcare refer to improving patient care, reducing medical errors, and increasing efficiency in healthcare delivery by enhancing the necessary coordination of all the agents involved.   Key Points Interoperability oriented towards care continuity. Empowerment of the patient over their clinical information....Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 02 Oct

David Hancock, the healthcare executive advisor at InterSystems, was recently elected vendor co-chair of INTEROPen, a UK collaboration that promotes open standards for interoperability in the health and care sector. spoke to David about why he wants INTEROPen to be vendor-led and how this approach will help both suppliers and...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 02 Oct

Summary: With a rapidly growing older population, effective care for ageing patients will require healthcare stakeholders to collaborate in managing the whole health of these patients.  Throughout the world, but especially in Europe and Northern America, the population is ageing at an alarming rate. The United Nations Department of Economic...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 05 Sep

Digitalisation has made a huge impact on life today, this is not only seen in manufacturing but also communications and particularly in healthcare services. By digitalising healthcare, we can provide high-quality care whilst also improving patient experiences.   Healthcare’s digitalisation is evident, although this seems to be happening slowly due...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 26 Aug

Summary: With finance, skills and strategy all obstacles for the healthcare CIOs, two HIT professionals weigh in on the way forward.   When we look at the challenges facing any digital team, each one is multi-faceted coming with a chronicle of the yesteryear and a vision of the future. Considering the issues ahead, we look at some common problems...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 26 Jun

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Executive Health Management

2016 19 Dec

Healthcare executives say staffing shortages and rising prescription drug costs are among the leading challenges they have to contend with in 2017, according to a new survey by Premiere Inc. Another major concern is "interoperability", with nearly 60 percent of those surveyed saying their organisations are unable to access ambulatory data from their...Read more

Executive Health Management

2016 07 Feb

Innovations are key to improving quality of care and lowering costs. Some innovations that work in one context, however, may not work in another. A Viewpoint article appearing in JAMA discusses how implementation science can be used as a framework for planning innovations in healthcare delivery. 1. A Framework Based on Implementation Science Implementation...Read more