Search Tag: heart damage

Cardiology Management

2024 21 Jun

  A research team at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in Australia has created an integrated map of heart cells that unlocks cardiac fibrosis, a leading cause of heart failure. The study is published in Science Advances.    This breakthrough paves the way for the development of targeted drugs to prevent scarring that occurs after...Read more

Cardiology Management

2020 18 Sep

Some patients infected with COVID-19 suffer from lung and heart damage. Some of these patients require admission to the ICU with support from mechanical ventilation and the use of inotropic medications. Even after discharge, some of these patients remain symptomatic. However, findings from a new study show that even though some patients with COVID...Read more

Cardiology Management

2019 07 Dec

Cancer patients receiving common heart drugs have less heart damage from cancer therapy, according to research presented at EuroEcho 2019, a scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). For every ten patients with breast or haematological cancer treated with heart drugs, one case of cardiotoxicity could be avoided. "Our...Read more

Cardiology Management

2018 06 Feb

Some breast cancer therapies may cause damage to the heart, making it necessary for healthcare providers to draw up strategies to prevent or minimise the damage, according to a new scientific statement from the American Heart Association published in its journal Circulation. AHA notes that breast cancer survivors, especially older women over the...Read more

Cardiology Management

2017 14 Feb

Chest pain may be the most common symptom of a heart attack but there are other, subtle symptoms that can occur hours, days, even weeks before a heart attack, according to a Stony Brook expert. See Also : Insomnia and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Pamela Kostic, RN, CCCC, Stony Brook Heart Institute Certified Cardiovascular Care Coordinator,...Read more

Cardiology Management

2014 05 Dec

Echocardiography detects early deterioration of heart function allowing prevention medication to be given Austrian researchers have shown that a new technique which wraps chemotherapy drugs in a fatty cover (called a liposome) reduces heart damage, in a study presented today at EuroEcho-Imaging 2014 by Professor Jutta Bergler-Klein and Professor Mariann...Read more