Search Tag: heart attack

Executive Health Management

2014 24 Feb

A recent study conducted by a team of academics from the UK’s University of Lincoln and The University of Nottingham, and published in the scientific journal Vaccine, has found that patients who had been vaccinated against influenza were 24% less likely to suffer a stroke in the same flu season. During previous research in 2010 the same team...Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 21 Jan

Doing the night shift throws the body "into chaos" and could cause long-term damage, warn researchers. Shift work has been linked to higher rates of type 2 diabetes, heart attacks and cancer as people get too little sleep at the wrong time. The human body has its own natural rhythm, also called body clock, which is tuned to sleep at night and...Read more

Executive Health Management

2013 18 Dec

According to researchers 8,500 UK deaths caused by heart attacks and strokes could be avoided each year if every person aged 50 years and over ate one apple a day. Basing their assumptions on modelling rather than scientific study, researchers from the University of Oxford published their findings in the BMJ, stating that apples would boost...Read more