Search Tag: healthcare sustainability

IT Management

2024 01 Aug

  The healthcare sector is increasingly embracing sustainability initiatives, recognising the significant environmental impact it holds. Accounting for approximately 8.5% of the nation's greenhouse gas emissions, the industry is under growing scrutiny to implement effective environmental strategies. Key to these efforts is the strategic use of Environmental,...Read more


2024 01 Aug

  The healthcare sector is increasingly embracing sustainability initiatives, recognising the significant environmental impact it holds. Accounting for approximately 8.5% of the nation's greenhouse gas emissions, the industry is under growing scrutiny to implement effective environmental strategies. Key to these efforts is the strategic use of Environmental,...Read more

Executive Health Management

2024 21 May

<marquee behavior="slide" direction="left" scrollamount="30"><h2 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#000099"><b>Find Practice Greenhealth On Social Media</b> </font></h2><div style="text-align: center;"><a href= target="_blank"><img src="/uploads/twnew.png" style="text-align: initial;" width=65 hRead more

Health Management

2023 30 Oct

If the health sector were a country, it would be the  fifth-largest emitter of carbon dioxide  equivalent (CO2e) on the planet. To become more sustainable, the health sector is turning to the cloud.   A sustainable healthcare system is one that “improves, maintains, or restores health, while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and leveraging...Read more


2023 30 Oct

If the health sector were a country, it would be the  fifth-largest emitter of carbon dioxide  equivalent (CO2e) on the planet. To become more sustainable, the health sector is turning to the cloud.   A sustainable healthcare system is one that “improves, maintains, or restores health, while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and leveraging...Read more

Executive Health Management

2023 11 Oct

Building a Sustainable, Inclusive and Digital Health System Read more

IT Management

2023 26 Sep

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Health Management

2018 20 Feb

Change content default valueRead more

Health Management

2018 20 Feb

Way forward for sustainability of healthcare sector. Healthcare in Greece is facing a crisis. How does health spending compare with other European Union countries and what is the way forward for a sustainable future? Current situation Across the Eurozone, there is a need to reduce fiscal debts and deficits, and therefore to reduce annual public...Read more