Search Tag: feedback

ICU Management

2015 10 Sep

Poor communication between medical teams and families can lead to errors and poor-quality care. New research has demonstrated that a multidisciplinary improvement team involving a family advisor can be effective in helping improve communication between care teams and families in paediatric intensive care units (PICUs). "Including a family advisor as...Read more

ICU Management

2015 12 May

Results of a new study, reported in the journal Sleep , provide a new understanding of how sleep deprivation can lead doctors, first responders, military personnel and others in a crisis situation to make catastrophic decisions. For the first time, researchers at Washington State University created a laboratory experiment that simulates how sleep...Read more

ICU Management

2015 14 Jan

In a pilot study into the impact of Twitter on conferences, researchers found that social media may impact on quality of presentations as speakers receive real-time feedback. The study of Twitter posts from a medical conference found that while the majority of tweets were accurate, some were not and misrepresented what the speaker had said. Indeed,...Read more