Search Tag: evaluation

IMAGING Management

2018 22 Sep

A UK perspective. Competence in radiology is established by the end of training by a variety of summative and formative assessments, collated within an e-portfolio alongside annual educational supervisors’ reports and review of competence progression. In the United Kingdom training in clinical radiology is undertaken...Read more

ICU Management

2016 04 Aug

A team from Johns Hopkins University has developed the “ICU-RESPECT” index to evaluate patient and family experiences of respect in the intensive care unit (ICU). The questionnaire was administered to patients and families in 5 ICUs, and showed high reliability and concurrent validity in ICU patients and families. The researchers describe it as a ...Read more

ICU Management

2016 29 Mar

Teamwork education is known to improve trauma team performance, including leadership, situation monitoring, communication and prioritisation. High-functioning teams with excellent leadership have higher quality CPR, shorter pre-defibrillation pauses, and shorter times to first defibrillation. The American Heart Foundation and European Resuscitation...Read more