Search Tag: emergency room

Executive Health Management

2019 22 May

The case for the lone wolf and pack of wolves   Author of lauded book ‘The Art of Innovation – Integrating Creativity in Organisations’, Dimis Michaelides puts forth how to get the balance right with sole and group creative problem solving.     Health professionals are well aware of the value of collaboration. The surgery and...Read more

Cardiology Management

2018 08 Aug

Patients who present to emergency rooms with heart attack symptoms – i.e., chest pain and shortness of breath – often undergo a cardiac troponin test to help doctors assess their condition. There is a new high-sensitivity blood test for cardiac troponin that can accurately rule out heart attack in emergency room patients faster than the conventional...Read more

Cardiology Management

2017 03 Apr

New research findings support evidence showing that effective patient-physician communication has a positive effect on the patient's health. In a survey of 6,810 patients with atherosclerosis, those who reported good communication with their healthcare providers were less likely to use the emergency room and more likely to comply with their treatment...Read more

ICU Management

2015 07 Jul

New research from Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt (Nashville, TN) finds that an emergency room rapid response plan for children can help diagnose stroke symptoms quickly. While quick response processes have been established for adult stroke patients, researchers say paediatric acute stroke teams are a new phenomenon. The research...Read more

ICU Management

2015 13 Mar

Recent studies have found that mindfulness practice may reduce anxiety and depression in clinical populations, and there is growing evidence that mindfulness may also improve well-being and quality of care in health professionals. This study assessed whether mindfulness protects against the impact of work-related stress on mental health and burnout...Read more