Search Tag: emergency medicine
2023 20 Nov
<marquee behavior="slide" direction="left" scrollamount="30"><h2 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#000099"><b>Find Pulsus Conferences on Social Media</b> </font></h2><div style="text-align: center;"><a href= target="_blank"><img src="/uploads/twnew.png" style="text-align: initial;" widRead more
2021 02 Nov
The law firm, Proskauer Rose LLP (New York City), highlights deficits that COVID-19 uncovered in hospital disaster preparedness and emergency management and strategies for improvement. The lessons learned during the pandemic inspired healthcare leaders and regulators to implement post-pandemic changes to health care delivery. Stopgap measures...Read more
2021 18 May
iPads will be provided to ambulance crews across England to ensure that patients get the right care faster, the NHS brass has announced. Ambulance crews will utilise the 30,000 iPads to send photographs from the scene of an incident, so specialists on standby at hospital can initiate treatment right away when the patient arrives in the emergency...Read more
2020 10 Nov
Now a virtual event because of COVID-19 health concerns New Dates 10-12 November, 2020 Find AGM on Social Media Read more
2020 16 Jan
Arab Health is to take place in Dubai (Dubai World Trade Centre and Conrad Dubai) on 27–30 January, 2020. This is the MENA region’s largest professional healthcare event, which this year will host 55,000+ attendees and 4,250+ e xhibiting companies from 159 countries. Part of the event is the 45th edition of Arab Health Congress, which...Read more
2016 20 Dec
In 2014, more than 1.1 million emergency care cases in Abu Dhabi alone Projected demand for major trauma in Abu Dhabi is double that of major trauma rates in the UK and Australia Emirates Society of Emergency Medicine (ESEM) to collaborate with Arab Health Congress to support Emergency Medicine physicians in developing their skills and...Read more
2015 11 Oct
Welcome to the European Society for Emergency Medicine EuSEM is a forum for European emergency physicians and non-physicians involved in emergency care in hospital emergency departments and in the pre-hospital environment committed to: The highest quality of emergency care for all patients The delivery of such care by specialists trained in...Read more
2015 16 Apr
The fast-paced environment of trauma resuscitation demands that team members understand their responsibilities before patients enter the hospital, and continuously communicate with each other while delivering care. A study of mental mapping on trauma teams shows the benefits of rehearsing possible scenarios in order to minimise stress and ensure that...Read more