Search Tag: donation

Executive Health Management

2015 07 Apr

New research published in the American Journal of Transplantation indicates that some kidneys affected by Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) may be safely used for transplantation. The revelation that such kidneys might be useful to patients awaiting organ transplantation can help to alleviate the current shortage of kidneys in the US. The single-site study...Read more

ICU Management

2013 26 Jun

Johns Hopkins researchers see 21-fold increase in a single day A social media push boosted the number of people who registered themselves as organ donors 21-fold in a single day, Johns Hopkins researchers found, suggesting social media might be an effective tool to address the stubborn organ shortage in the United States. The gains were made in May...Read more

ICU Management

2013 03 Apr

Organ donation in Ontario is significantly less common at large general hospitals than at hospitals with clinical programs for transplant recipients, which points to missed opportunities to optimize organ donation, according to a study published in CMAJ ( Canadian Medical Association Journal ). To understand whether organ donation rates differed...Read more