Search Tag: compassionate care

ICU Management

2022 15 Feb

Over the years, there have been many advancements in the understanding of critical illness pathophysiology, technologies used to support failing organ systems, and improvements in communication and shared decision-making. In this review, the authors reflect on the role of compassion and openness of critical care clinicians when supporting patients,...Read more

ICU Management

2018 29 Jan

We received a MET call (Medical Emergency Team) from the general ward to immediately come and assist. The patient's name was Mr. 'Stevens'. He was 81 and was in our hospital due to severe exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). He was in acute respiratory distress and had low blood pressure. There was no time to discuss whether...Read more

ICU Management

2017 11 Jan

In a new article, a critical care medicine physician from Henry Ford Hospital describes in great detailĀ  her near-death experience. The article, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, has resulted in a campaign designed to make healthcare professionals communicate more effectively and to be more empathetic towards their patients. See...Read more