Search Tag: chatbots

IT Management

2024 02 Aug

  Chatbots have become integral to various industries, including marketing, real estate, finance, and healthcare. Their ability to provide instant responses and handle multiple users simultaneously makes them invaluable. Chatbots enhance patient care by offering symptom diagnosis, mental health consultations, and nutrition tracking services. This...Read more

IT Management

2019 03 Sep

Artificial intelligence is behind the development of innovative tools that are increasingly used in healthcare, including health chatbots and virtual assistants. Some hospitals have already deployed chatbots to help patients schedule appointments with their doctors. There are also chatbots that assist patients in learning to cope with some chronic conditions. ...Read more

IT Management

2018 11 Dec

With staffing shortages a perennial problem in many hospitals, it comes as no surprise that patients' interactions with healthcare AI chatbots are also on the rise. In some instances, speaking to a chatbot, instead of a nurse or doctor, is how patients get in touch with healthcare providers these days. It is estimated that the number of chatbot interactions...Read more