Search Tag: burnout
2021 08 Mar
ECR – European Congress for Radiology – is the gold standard for radiology conferences as proven over many years. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021 edition is an online event. Resilience in the face of challenge is what the organisers (the ESR) have shown to make this conference possible. Radiology has always been the raison d'être for ECR....Read more
2020 11 Feb
Work overload, a lack of autonomy and disputes with administrators are among the many factors contributing to "high burnout" in academic radiologists in the United States. You might also like: Radiologist Burnout Researchers conducted a study on this important health issue that impacts on the delivery of care. An online...Read more
2020 02 Jan
A newly-published study in the journal Nature suggests that AI diagnoses breast cancer from mammograms more accurately than radiologists. A computer, specially designed and trained by a team of researchers from international bodies such as Google Health and Imperial College London, performed as well as two doctors working together....Read more
2019 27 Dec
As the year draws to a close, we take a look at our ten most viewed Imaging stories across our 2019 news and journals. Multisociety AI Radiology Ethics Framework Announced With AI moving into radiology at lightning speed, international imaging and informatics societies have worked together to produce a paper on ethics guidance....Read more
2019 18 Dec
One advantage of using electronic health records (EHR) is that teams of clinicians can simultaneously care for patients. But this may lead to clinicians making unintentional duplicate orders for tests and medications. Inclusion of passive visual cues in the EHR that provide "just-in-time" decision support can be a solution to this duplication...Read more
2019 23 Oct
Physician burnout is a major health issue affecting not only radiologists but also other medical practitioners. A Medscape survey (January 2019) of 15,000+ doctors reveals an overall physician burnout rate of 44%, with urologists self-reporting the most burnout at 54% and radiologists placing a notch higher than the average at 45%. Burnout...Read more
2019 14 May
Junior doctors today have worked in the NHS through some of its most tumultuous times. Those who commenced their working life in 2016 will have had the start of their careers coincide with the junior doctor strikes , and will now have seen many of their colleagues leave the NHS to work abroad, on a temporary, or indeed, on a permanent basis; however,...Read more
2019 23 Apr
Radiologists are increasing reporting they are burning out. In a report published in Academic Radiology, professionals say "we need a new way of approaching burnout." A recent survey presented in the report shows radiology has climbed to no. 7 among all medical specialities (up from 20th place) with more than 45% of radiologists reporting they...Read more
2019 03 Apr
Loathing your work, exhaustion, depersonalisation, feeling insignificant, struggling to find the will to get out of bed, addiction and suicide are symptoms of the growing global epidemic: burnout . Radiologists specifically experience high levels of burnout and this nasty trend is only getting worse. In a much needed effort to help address burnout...Read more
2019 15 Jan
A significant number of academic radiology department chairs in the United States suffer from burnout according to the first study investigating burnout among these medical professionals, published in Academic Radiology . Researchers found that burnout in radiology chairs needs to be dealt with immediately through national, institutional and departmental...Read more
2018 11 Dec
Radiologists burnout at a higher average rate then doctors that practice in all other medical specialities. There are a variety of factors that lead to symptoms of burnout in the medical profession but for radiologists the major cause is the extreme pressure to do more in less time. Coupled with bureaucratic workload routine, a decreasing sense of...Read more
2018 03 Oct
Physician burnout is a significant issue in healthcare worldwide, and radiology burnout rates are ranked high compared to other specialities. A new study assessing radiologist and radiology trainee burnout in Canada finds above average burnout symptoms with regard to both emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation. "Future research directions...Read more
2018 08 Aug
Burnout is a global health problem affecting physicians across all medical specialities who work in variable hospital settings and work environments. Radiologists, in particular, experience high rates of burnout, and this trend has only continued to worsen, according to a special report published online in the journal Academic Radiology. It...Read more
2015 05 Jan
A survey in the U.S. of allied health science educators that included radiologic science programme directors, found that most feel connected to the workplace 24 hours a day through smart device use. A significant number said that their only break from work communications is between midnight and 6am. Being excessively connected to the workplace via...Read more