Search Tag: breast cancer

IMAGING Management

2016 27 Nov

--New products spotlight Hologic's leading tomosynthesis technology, including the world's first dedicated prone biopsy system with 2D or 3D™ imaging-- Hologic, Inc. will highlight its portfolio of innovative, award-winning breast cancer screening and interventional products, including the new Affirm™ prone breast biopsy system, at the 102nd Scientific...Read more

IMAGING Management

2017 04 Mar

The  European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI)  introduced an  European Diploma in Breast Imaging (EDBI)  in 2012. The European Diploma in Breast Imaging will be a common European qualification for breast imagers and will help to standardise training and expertise in breast imaging across Europe.  The European Diploma in Breast Imaging is endorsed...Read more

IMAGING Management

2017 27 Feb

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IMAGING Management

2016 17 Nov

I first became interested in early detection of breast cancer as a child when my aunt died of it at age 60 after initial diagnosis at age 40. Eight years later, my mother was diagnosed with it when I was in high school. She had nipple retraction. Her mammogram was normal and she had dense breasts. The surgeon had her admitted to the hospital, telling...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 07 Nov

A research team from the Eindhoven University of Technology has recently developed a contrast-enhanced, ultrasound imaging method, which enables dynamic contrast specific ultrasound tomography (DCS-UST), in order to offer a breast-friendly and safer alternative to mammography.   The regular screening method for detecting breast cancer, the mammogram,...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 06 Nov

Breast tomosynthesis exams, Hologic calls the exams 3D MAMMOGRAPHY, have shown to be an advance over digital mammography, with higher cancer detection rates and fewer patient recalls for additional testing   The new Affirm prone system, which was installed for the first time in Europe earlier this year, is widely considered one the most significant...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 30 Sep

  Hologic, Inc. has announced that breast cancer survivor and Grammy Award-winner Sheryl Crow will join Steve MacMillan, the Company's Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, to ring the Nasdaq Opening Bell on October 3, in conjunction with the start of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Hologic's participation in the bell ringing marks...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 24 Sep

A large consortium of European researchers headed by the University of Twente (UT) will receive grants of over five million euros to develop a new imaging device for the diagnosis of breast cancer. The device prototype will be ready for testing and production in four years. The new device is expected to offer improved photoacoustic and ultrasound...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 30 Aug

A study conducted by investigators at Brigham and Women's Hospital, the University of York in the UK and MD Andersen Cancer Center in Texas tests the ability of experienced radiologists' to sense when a mammogram is abnormal. The paper is published in  the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. For the purpose of the investigation, visual...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 23 Aug

Researchers from the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network collaborated with the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium (BCSC) to model the benefits and harms of different screening intervals for mammography among subgroups of women on age, breast, cancer risk and breast density. Findings from the collaborative modeling study are published...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 26 Jul

Researchers in Austria have used magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) to detect tissue with measurable active blood supply which indicates an increased breast cancer risk in women. Molecular biologist and radiologist, Barbara Bennani-Baiti and radiologist Pascal Baltzer of the Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of MedUni Vienna are exploring...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 04 Jul

A combination of imaging and mathematics can help identify if aggressive treatment is needed when a woman has been diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. The new technology – biomarker ratio imaging microscopy, or BRIM – can identify aggressive forms of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), or stage 0 breast cancer, from non-aggressive varieties,...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 07 Jun

Fatty acids in the breast may be useful indicators of cancer in postmenopausal women, according to a new study published online in the journal Radiology . The results may help researchers determine the underlying mechanisms behind breast cancer development in some patients. The role of fat in breast cancer development and growth has been...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 02 Jun

Award-winning performer and breast cancer survivor to educate women about early detection and the Genius™ 3D MAMMOGRAPHY™ exam Hologic, Inc. has announced that nine-time Grammy award-winning singer, songwriter and breast cancer survivor Sheryl Crow will serve as national spokesperson to educate women about a more accurate mammogram, the Genius™...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 02 May

New Data Suggests Nearly Half of Women Neglect to Take Action  Against Osteoporosis While nearly three-quarters of Americans (71%) are aware of the effects that osteoporosis can have on their health, only about half report taking any steps to prevent it, 1  according to the results of a new survey has announced by Hologic. To mark the start...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 27 Apr

Reducing Recall Rate for Breast Cancer Screening Stands to Decrease Healthcare Costs and Increase Quality of Care for Women Hologic, Inc. has announced that study results published today in a research letter in  JAMA  conclude that breast tomosynthesis (Hologic's Genius™ 3D MAMMOGRAPHY™) exams reduce recall rates, and increase invasive cancer detection...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 26 Apr

Experts have used an Italian study to achieve a universal standard when measuring a cancer patient’s distress towards their appearance, to allow physicians and psychologists to recommend the next step in treatment. A new study produced by an interdisciplinary team led by Prof. Antonio Giordano , director of the Sbarro Institute for Cancer...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 19 Apr

A false-positive screening for breast cancer may reduce the likelihood of a woman returning for her next planned mammogram if her prior test was within one and three years, a study at the University of North Carolina has found. Interestingly, however, the findings also suggest that a woman has a higher likelihood to return if her prior mammogram...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 24 Jun

ESMOFIR was officially founded on December 9th in Budapest during the Annual Leadership meeting. This society wants to be representative of all radiologists interested and/or involved in Functional and Molecular Imaging. Representatives of all subspecialty societies are invited to participate actively in the activities of the society. Conducted by...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 11 Apr

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have discovered that women with higher levels of Ki67, a molecular marker that identifies proliferating cells in an area where the majority of breast cancers originate, had a five-fold chance of developing breast cancer. This is the first time scientists have been able to link the marker to precancerous...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 08 Mar

iCAD, Inc., a New Hampshire-based provider of advanced image analysis and workflow solutions for the early identification and treatment of cancer, announced an industry first tomosynthesis computer-aided detection (CAD) tool during the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) meeting in Vienna, Austria. The breakthrough technology employs the...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 04 Mar

With breast now the most common cancer among women and the second most common cancer overall, imaging research is exploring ways to develop new tools that include better screening, improved models and even cost-effectiveness, to help overcome the challenges from the growing demand in the sector. The European Institute for Biomedical Imaging...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 04 Mar

With breast now the most common cancer among women and the second most common cancer overall, imaging research is exploring ways to develop new tools that include better screening, improved models and even cost-effectiveness, to help overcome the challenges from the growing demand in the sector. The European Institute for Biomedical Imaging...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 25 Feb

Penn Medicine study offers insight into long-term performance of 3-D mammography screening   Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have found that the benefits of initial Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) screening, also known as 3D mammography, can be sustained and even improved over years with consecutive DBT screening. The...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 23 Feb

Faster, cheaper test predicts who needs chemotherapy or just hormonal regimen   A new way to analyse magnetic resonance images (MRI) data for women with the most common type of breast cancer appears to reliably distinguish between patients who would need only hormonal treatment and those who also need chemotherapy, researchers from...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 09 Apr

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IMAGING Management

2016 26 Jan

MRI and Ultrasound is being combined in a robot, in research being conducted at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. The project shows promise in improving diagnosis of both breast cancer, by reducing false negatives, and muscle diseases. Foad Sojoodi Farimani, one of the project leaders of the European research project MRI and Ultrasound...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 22 Jan

Researchers in the U.S. have found that nearly 16 percent of individuals 65 years or older may have received non-recommended screenings for breast and prostate cancers because they had limited life expectancies of less than 10 years. The finding, reported in JAMA Oncology , could help inform measures to curb unnecessary and potentially harmful cancer...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 18 Jan

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has published final recommendations on screening for breast cancer following an in-depth review of the science on the benefits and harms of screening mammography, and a detailed review of input received from the public and healthcare professionals on its 2015 draft recommendation. The recommendations,...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 11 Jan

Digital mammograms pose only a small risk of radiation-induced breast cancer for most women, based on a modelling study conducted by an international team of researchers. However, the results show increased risk for women with large breasts or breast implants, who must often receive extra screening views, increasing their radiation exposure. Screening...Read more