Search Tag: brain dysfunction

ICU Management

2024 03 Jul

  Up to 80% of mechanically ventilated ICU patients experience acute brain dysfunction, commonly manifesting as delirium or coma. Both conditions are linked to increased mortality and long-term cognitive impairment in survivors. The underlying pathophysiology of acute brain dysfunction during respiratory failure is poorly understood.    Previous...Read more

ICU Management

2019 30 May

A case from a specialised weaning centre Using a case of a former patient we describe the structured approach of analysis of the cause of weaning failure with corresponding specific therapies used in our Centre for Expertise. Previously, we suggested a structural approach for diagnosing the cause of weaning failure (Heunks and van...Read more

ICU Management

2018 13 Mar

Sepsis can cause both brain dysfunction and neuroinflammation. New research from the University of Michigan indicates that gut bacteria play a role in brain dysfunction after sepsis. Researchers explain that sepsis causes gut bacteria to locate in the brain for several days and ultimately resolves in the weeks after the onset of illness. The findings,...Read more

ICU Management

2015 08 Jun

A Johns Hopkins Medicine-led study shows that nearly 30 percent of all ICU patients develop delirium, a condition that prolongs hospital stays and significantly increases one’s risk of dying in the hospital. The findings are published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) . Although intensive care teams have long been aware that a significant percentage...Read more